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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why ask why ??????


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: WHY?

Sometimes I've asked myself this question, especially when it comes to philosophical topics. The reason I've felt at times that it is a waste of time to ask others is that if the insight required is absent in me, then any answer from another will be meaningless. At least that is the case when it comes to heavier questions like "what is the purpose of life?", or "what is the purpose of my own existence?". With respect to questions like that it seems that each of us only has a tiny snippet of a finite amount (and hence infinitesimal in comparison to an infinite quantity) of experience due to the finite length of time we have existed. Therefore, any conclusion any particular individual will come to will be based upon a subjective point of view with respect to that paricular individual's personal experience and unique perspective and interpretation of his or her personal experience as well as their observation of the world around them. These tppics seem to be more a matter of opinion than objective universal fact. Of course, an insight might come to oneself during meditation which one feels certain is an underlying universal theme for the purpose of existence for instance, however, one should also be able to see that as long as individuals are motivated by egocentric greed, that insight would not be conveyable to them no matter how well you articulated it or clarified the logically superior reason for it. The dharma (inherent spiritual character traits) which is responsible for that individual being sociopathic and not being interested in the fulfillment of happiness of other individuals is not open to logic. It is devoid of altruism, priimitive, and cannot see the advantage of being cooperative with others (provided they are respecting your freedom to choose, of course), as well as being incapable of seeing the advantage of mutual altruism (you care for my health and welfare, and I sure as I'm responding to this question will care about yours, and the better off we'll both be for sharing what the other does not know). I need to mention the unfortunate fact that there are a lot of parasitical "users" of altruistic people who feign altruism in return, but they lack sincerity.

Nonetheless, I find it stimulating to hear and read about the perspective of others if for no other reason than that it often leads me to think further along in a more expanded way than if I only contemplated the reasons for whatever the topic may be without consulting others.

I just realized the other meaning which your question might have. I just had the insight that it could be another way of asking, "Why isn't everything obvious to us so that it wouldn't ever have to be necessary to ask anything?" That isn't what you meant, is it? Please do elaborate a little on exactly what you did mean.

Because who, what, where, & when isn't good enough! We need a "why" to go along with them. What good is the five W's whithout a why?

why not?

'Inquiry' Is as natural to life, growth, maturity as are love, sex and death.

alot of times I don't.... especially if it is something that has made me upset- I couldn't give a rat's @ss why. In fact, this has become my new favorate phrase...
"I don't care why, I just care that..."
as in I just care that... you didn't show up don't have the $ I lent you 3 months ago
that... there was an extra $20 in my checking account (that one is a happy one : ))

Because we are creatures of wanting to know what is going on. If we didn't have that questioning mind we wouldn't progress, Would of died off by now. Animales workmosttly on instint. Humans have freedom of choice & the ability to create thinks. In order to be like that we need to ask why

Ask Why of yourself and accept those things in good faith that are not meant to be understood. Life is what you make of it with Gods blessing.

Because, unless you want to live in a bubble, we need to find answers to our questions. Only then we will be able to break out of "the cave".

because ... you asked....

and...... why did you?

I don't know. Why?

Cause you can.

Why not?? It's how we find things out sometimes