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Position:Home>Philosophy> What does "going green" mean to you?

Question:in your own words, what it means, what you would do, etc.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in your own words, what it means, what you would do, etc.

Giving up automobiles completely except for the the defense department and the trains, planes, and trucks we depend on for transportation of goods.
Buying foodstuff locally, within a hundred mile radius.
Refusing to buy from China.
Getting rid of monster stores like Wal-Mart.
Getting more farmers to grow hemp as a product. ( do you know how many things we can make and wear with that plant??? Do you have any idea how many forests can be saved with that product??? Does anyone have a clue just what kind of a cash cow that crop is???) When I say "hemp" I don't mean marijuana.
Every house should have a wind generator.
All building codes should have thermal heating units built into their infrastructure.
Leave the frigging cars at home, preferably on blocks until you really need it to go see aunt Milly in the east coast before she dies.
Don't read the newspaper.
Recycle everything.

Its a huge giant scam and I dont buy any of it. I have not and will not be buying into "going green" any more than I am buying into any other crap that I am told I need to buy into.


To buy with with less packaging, to walk/ride bike, to reuse bottles and other stuff.

It means being rich. Back in the 70s when there was the oil embargo, all of a sudden the market was flooded with Japanese cars that got better gas mileage. Problem was, they cost 3 times as much. At the time, the average lifespan of a car was 4 years, so there was no way to recoup the much higher cost of the Japanese car in mileage savings.
The same is true today with the hybrids. Even worse, the hybrids are Government subsidized, meaning ALL tax payers pay part of the cost.
If people really want to "go green", just quit ALL unneeded driving, don't buy a high horsepower car (2 reasons why cars get lower mileage now than before: #1. Increase in horsepower. #2. Govenment mandated pollution controls. THAT alone halfed the mileage).
What can I do? Move someplace so I can walk to the grocery store, etc. I am currently more than 6 miles from the nearest store at all.

Green is a lie, so is ethanol and recycling. Phooooey!

Doing what me and my ancestors always have
Use it up , wear it out , make it do or do without or
Four choices: Ignore it, learn to live with it, change it or RUN LIKE HELL (except I never learned where to run).

doing things to help the environment or mother nature become healthy and greener throughout a lifetime. saving the habitats for wildlife animals, keeping the rain free from acid etc. as a result-global warming to a minimum percentage.

its basically a form of consumerism adopted by wealthy white liberals. Many non-rich people resent the inherent hypocrisy of being lectured by people who fly in private jets. Its sad that the environmental movement has moved from its roots in conservation and ecology to a movement that is centred on consumption.