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Position:Home>Philosophy> What does "leadership" mean to you?

Question:in your own words

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in your own words

To intervene in a situation.

(If you know the defenition of 'intervene' , you will know exactly what i mean. It's a great way to define leadership, i was studying it in psychology today.)

The act of taking action and leading a group of people.

Good leadership requires someone who is sharp and knowledgable. They need charisma, organization, and ability to plan and predict potential future outcomes. :D

i guess when someone has tha ability to respond to someone elses mind in such an extreme mannor, that tha individual emulates tha others ideas, emothions, actions, etc
or u can look at it like tha connectivity one may possess to others. I know when lookin at a group of people, there is atleast 2-3 people that I feel connected with. or maybe its tha attraction we as humans have to one another. Either is ideal in leading a group or wateva

Choosing my own course of action, taking responsibility foir the well being of those that follow me.

What it SHOULD BE: Leader is out front, showing people how to do their jobs, encouraging them, etc.
What is IS MOST OF THE TIME: An arrogant, self-righteous S.O.B. that DRIVES people.

The ability to show the way. It is now a way to show favoritism, get the goodies for my friends and a plenthora of laws telling us what we should believe

Leadership is a quality to take people along and show them the way to a concept of life where things that you aspire become feasible.