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Position:Home>Philosophy> 10pts 2 1st good answer!!!?

Question:i've got 2 reasons so far but i was wondering if ppl had more
1.) kind=better 4 ur soul & money=only helpz u on earth
2.) kind= makes u feel good & money makes u do bad things (usually)

and i was also wondering if pholosiphers wre more likeley to rely on logical appeal or emotional appeal to persuade people. Why?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i've got 2 reasons so far but i was wondering if ppl had more
1.) kind=better 4 ur soul & money=only helpz u on earth
2.) kind= makes u feel good & money makes u do bad things (usually)

and i was also wondering if pholosiphers wre more likeley to rely on logical appeal or emotional appeal to persuade people. Why?


I think you're referring to the times of Aristotle, Plato, etc...

I would think that "emotional appeal" would have been their mode of persuasion. However, I believe that the great minds before us had rational ideals and philosophy... and being that the majority of people weren't "educated" in a traditional sense, they were left to use emotion as their vessel.

So, If I understood the question, I think that philosophers came to their conclusions rationally and had to persuade emotionally.

The only true desired end is happiness. Money and/or kindness can be means to being happy. Being kind usually makes one happy, and for some people having money makes them happy or having money allows them to do things that create happiness. Money is intrinsically neither good nor bad.

Second part: people like to think that logic is used most commonly, but passion rules reason.

I like how your talking about philosophy and using immature spelling like heplz and thnx.


I dont entirely follow your question -
Kindness is almost always a good attribute , and yes money for the time being only helps you on earth , in the future we may colonise space and live elsewhere.
I have alot of money and dont do bad things.
It depends on the person wether or not logical or emotional means would be best to persuade them.

Having a little difficulty understanding the first thing. If I understand you right then: when you think about, both the poor and the rich commit attrocities more often than those in the middle. Money isn't evil, it's the kindness and people's natures.
And philosophers prefered logic, at least the good ones. Appealing to emotion is in fact a logical fallacy. However, emotional appeal has a greater effect so it would be tempting to use it.

Kindness brings kindness, money brings tea with no lemmon please. You can't really compare the material world with that of spirituality and emotion. All the money in the world can't buy you true kindness, altho people will pretend to be kind when your shelling out the green backs, if you look close enough, you can see the difference. True feeling are not worn on the sleeve like a high school letter. They are heart felt and can be read without words. John Lennon said it best...Money can't buy you love.

make your money in an honorable fashion and always be kind.