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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's your perfect life?

Question:being able to lie on my death bed and say:
I've left something meaningful and did something special
I touched someone else (their SPIRIT that is)
I've been around the world
and i had a fun spontaneous faith filled life!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: being able to lie on my death bed and say:
I've left something meaningful and did something special
I touched someone else (their SPIRIT that is)
I've been around the world
and i had a fun spontaneous faith filled life!

a cute boy next to me at all times. haha


me and my boyfriend together forever.

One where everyone smiles =]

People, food, laughter till my belly aches!

The perfect life. I don't know. I am sure that if I wrote down everything that would make my life perfect and then the "life fairy" came and granted me every thing on that list within a matter of days, that wouldn't be perfect anymore and I would be wanting something totally different. Right now I work and so does my hubby so we don't get to spend a lot of time together so in my perfect life I would like to have enough money to not have to work so we could spend more time together... but I am sure you have heard the saying "becareful for what you wish for". Sometimes you need to thank God for unanswered prayers because what he is giving you is perfect for you when what you think will be perfect may in fact be a nightmare.


me and my hubby. now thats perfect*

The Love of God, the love of a woman, perfect health and the use of all my talents to serve people.

Well mine perfect life would be...............A secluded beautiful log cabin home (that I designed) on about 100 acres of land with a pasture full of horses running free. A big bedroom in my log home with large windows so I could look out into my field of running horses and blue skies and open the windows to let the cool summer breeze come in. A 4 acre lake with big full green trees around it with a big long floating dock to fish off of and a swimming place with sand that I could lay on and the water splash upon my feet laying next to my hubby while drinking a cold beer. Living life to the fullest everyday with the one I love.

It's too late for that. A good day will have to suffice.

the one am living now.......right from my childhood i used to fell my life is many things changed.......still i feel my life is perfect..........well a bit of positive

For sure it has to involve my daughter, my husband and me oh if possible a little baby boy...

...being able to see my refection in the river of life and not look away