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Position:Home>Philosophy> How to change the perception of those who have the sole objective of cheating ot

Question:This is mind boggling to me.
It hurts all the more when you find them to be one of your close relatives for whom you toiled for long.
Only prayer will do. Or, you may totally ignore them.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is mind boggling to me.
It hurts all the more when you find them to be one of your close relatives for whom you toiled for long.
Only prayer will do. Or, you may totally ignore them.

shoot them

no just joking. the question is too broad, it would be different in every case.

of course to show them that, youre already 60 plus years old, do something right for your country, do something for your soul, pls its for your own sake

side from their own personal growth, not much you can do. You can try making them see the view of the peoples they are opressing, but that's a tall order really.

perhaps you can connive/conspire a situation with someone else where they become the "cheatee" and let them know how it feels for a change.

People will only change their perception or attitudes when they want to. It would probably take a life changing incident to make someone understand and them receiving the same treatment over and over again until it hurt them. Just dont give them what they want. I'd walk away and stop wasting your time darlin. x

The best way to lead is by example. And by enforcing consequences for cheating, when possible.

Catch them in the act.

Lead them to a situation where they will feel cheated themselves in order to know what it feels like being cheated. Hopefully, this should be a situation that can be remedied quickly. Hope that will change their perception

just convince them that u will follow their example.

Show them themselves.

No one can change anyone entirely on their own; It takes work from both sides. And keep in mind that everyone has their own reasons for doing what they do, and those reasons only need to make sense to themselves, not anyone else. Sound like they have trust issues and may belive that they have to take things, instead of ask for.

well.... thats a good thought change....
but u see ...... to be frank.. to change somebodys perception it takes time... coz once we percieve about something...that becomes a long time perception.....
start.... by PRAYING for them..... and do it with belief.....
once u do this..... tell them what changed you while praying for them....
once again .. that was a good thought..........

This is an end result of a social problem.
It is similar to a car that came out of the factory a "lemon". The materials are inferior, the construction flawed, the blueprints- garbage to begin with.
I am talking about a car whose components are unfixable.
How do you deal with them?
Right. Recall. Fix the fixable. Remove the inferior part and replace with better quality parts.