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Position:Home>Philosophy> How can Destiny and Free Will coexist?

Question:If you believe in one then the other cannot exist right? And don't say it is your choice to believe in destiny....because if you do believe in destiny (and destiny does in fact exist), then it was never your choice to believe, all your decisions have already been chosen for you, you're just the button that something else (the hand of destiny) is pushing it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you believe in one then the other cannot exist right? And don't say it is your choice to believe in destiny....because if you do believe in destiny (and destiny does in fact exist), then it was never your choice to believe, all your decisions have already been chosen for you, you're just the button that something else (the hand of destiny) is pushing it.

Think of time as having no past, present or future. Destiny is merely what has and will occur, but as events happen, you must choose your course of action. Your choice is real and that is you exercising your free will. And that choice exists on the constant timeline. In other words, your free will is a part of destiny.

that's a very good question. naturally very hard to answer. maybe we have the free will to chose our destiny! lol. i don't know, it almost seems like we wont know the answers until we reach the end.

i think that free will is a more prevalent concept than destiny. it seems that less people are adhering to the concept of destiny. probably because it is more unknowable, and given the concept of free will, we can be decisive and conclusive in our actions.

To a certain extent these are just words. 10 billion years from now the Sun will become a red giant and totally destroy the Earth. That is the ultimate destiny of life on Earth. In between time there's an awful lot of space for me pick whether I want vanilla ice cream or fresh raspberries for dessert.

Free Will and destiny DO coexist...think of life as a video game...every conceivable outcome and choice to make is already programmed into the 'game' and based on the choices and level of skill (knowledge) of the player...the game will be won or lost depending on the choices made...that's the destiny.

Destiny is simply the end of a's not written in stone, and it's not pre-chosen....destiny ALWAYS exists...but there are many ways to get there...and many ways NOT depends on whether or not you know where you're going.

our free will shapes our desteniy, kinda like when you choose to do something but its destined to happen becauxe they knew what you would choose.

destiny can be relative, or subjected to free will, ie you could have several destinies, or constants which are defined as "destinations" following several variations of a suggested path.

But absolute free will is a radical notion - suggesting that the perfect path is transcribed regardless, because you do it without meaning to. and meaning is not inherent. Because of this the "future" as we know it does not exist, and time travel is impossible, as any time travel to the past reveals that all things that will happen leading to the travellers existance is going to happen, unavoidably, thus fate is brought into the equation.

absolute destiny is the notion we cannot choose our fates, as they have already been decided for us. that all possible paths are impossible to variate the destination, and its status is absolute. which would mean that chaos or sensitive dependance does not exist. which is a problem. because it does. sensitive dependance is not a theory, its more like a property the universe has.

but i think its somewhere in the middle, so we have a choice of destinations - but our path is free for us to choose. we can go good or bad. its up to us.

We make choices that lead to our destiny.God knows what choices we will make but it is a challenge for us. We were not created as a robot and we cannot blame God for making us stupid or weak because where there is a will there is a way. There are also limits.The limits are not our choice but we still have some choices. If we are ignorant and it is no fault of our own for some bad choices we made, for that there is justice in the consideration of all aspects down to the tiniest detail and it is perfect justice higher than our ways of intellect or understanding. The will of God is found in the promises he makes and it is up to us to make the best of it all with our freewill. The words we speak and the prayers we pray will effect the generations to come. When we don't know the answers or something does not add up we cannot blame God for not being true to his word because he is always perfect and everything that happens is not his perfect will. Our free will and the powers of darkness lead us to make bad choices that we will regret if we choose it. To overcome we need God's help since we are weaker than the powers that be without him. He is stronger than all. He is love and love conquers all.

Destiny is what God has willed out and its not for us to figure out. This is a field where man hasnt the capacity to analyse out
and can never understand.Its a close book where man is concerned.But Destiny does exist.
Free will, we have the choice to do according to our understanding.

The only way would be for those who believe in destiny and those who believe in free will to be accepting and not condemn the other. Actually explains the chaos in life now.