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Question:sometimes all i need or want is a hug. Is it a lot to ask. People ask me why do you look so sad or mad sometimes. Really you know I think all i need is someone to give me a great big teddy bear hug!!!! Ever felt this way? No im not all emo either...Im so one who has it together. Im usually pretty good at hiding my feelings, but when i show my hurt and pain thats usually when I need someone to hug me.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: sometimes all i need or want is a hug. Is it a lot to ask. People ask me why do you look so sad or mad sometimes. Really you know I think all i need is someone to give me a great big teddy bear hug!!!! Ever felt this way? No im not all emo either...Im so one who has it together. Im usually pretty good at hiding my feelings, but when i show my hurt and pain thats usually when I need someone to hug me.

No, it is not too much to ask.

But ask yourself why, when you need a hug, you don't just hug someone?

If you hug, you will get hugs.

yeah it is human to seek comfort when we are hurt. and no it is not too much to ask that someone who you would do the same thing for to hug you when you need it.

I feel exactly the same way. Sometimes i have flashbacks too bad memories and revaluations and suddenly my mood swings.
Sometimes its a cry for help. I really need a hug sometimes and feel lonely and in denial :)

If you wanna chat my msn is

Not at all ... hugs are very important they make us feel safe and loved .

Then ask for a hug. AH not close to tooo much to ask.. When I feel down I want a thermal nuclear (pronouced nucular) reactor.. But everyone says "You'll Poke Your Eye Out!"

That's a good way of comforting oneself through human connection. Feeling a hug diminishes your worry that someone cares and loves you. It is a manner of receiving affection and importance as a being. Isn't it we always want to hug babies? This is a very good example how we care for them. We reach out to them our concern and heartfelt feeling towards them. It relieves our weariness and discomfort in life. And, that is not too much to ask indeed.

Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

I see your point of view, don't worry everything is gonna be allright.

Of course its normal to need someone to take the load off occasionally. The problem often is that you need someone to show they care. You often need the security of knowing.

I'm the opposite, I'm usually a very happy person (look at my avatar!) but sometimes I just really want to punch myself for being this way.... If I'm feeling very down (like I am at the moment) everyone freaks out but it's normal to take a break from my usual state.

I think this world would be a whole lot better if we all just had enough hugs.

No problem on that. Many more feel the same emotion. Ahug can really help.

Ask for a hug.