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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe in aliens from other planets or do you believe we are alone in th

Question:Why do you think so?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why do you think so?

so far, i believe God only knows. but I think that there are life on other planets to be found, based on what's happening currently. like they think they're finding water and all that on other planets.

and to the people who doubt life on other planets:
another life form doesn't necessarily need a body temperature of 98.6, food, and water to live. they might live off of rocks, and their bodies could stand up to temperatures of 1000 degrees. so they don't need earthy conditions, as some people probably think.

Aliens - whether they visit us or not - we can't be the only ones in a whole universe, surely?

They don't necessarily need to be called aliens, but of course, with the universe as big as it is, there's sure to be other life forms out there. There are surely other solar systems, and life-sustaining planets.

you think in this vast universe, we are the only spec of life within??

It seems awfully unlikely that with all the planets in all the solar systems, etc. ours would be the only one with intelligent life. (somewhat intelligent, anyway)

I think there almost has to be life somewhere in the universe. Whether or not that life has visited Earth I dont know, but probably not.

I'm convined there's other beings out there as smart if not smarter than we are.

I believe there is something else out there. Like from the movie Contact with Jodie Foster : "The universe is a pretty big place. It's bigger than anything anyone has ever dreamed of before. So if it's just us... seems like an awful waste of space. Right?".

Not a whit of proof of anyone else in the universe. NONE!
A hell of a lot of speculation, and movies about it. Even some sound science to back up the theory. But not a whit of proof.
No ... I don't think there is anyone else out there.

Hey! it's the old doG I really admire & respect this man.

I think I am better to look within for proof that I am not
alone in the universe than out there, but I would not want
anyone to stop it is all a wonder.
Mary I just don't know I do like science fiction & I feel like
I am in the future in a way.

"Old knowledge becomes new ignorance"

All the best.