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Position:Home>Philosophy> Whats been happiest moment in your life?

Question:I'll join all the lovely mothers out there and proclaim the moment I held my new-born in my arms to be my "happiest moment (twice over)". Nothing can match the feeling!!! Inspite of all the discomfort of those prolonged months that distort your body out of shape & excruciating pain of delivery, the moment you hold the child in your arms something magical happens. You are never the same again!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'll join all the lovely mothers out there and proclaim the moment I held my new-born in my arms to be my "happiest moment (twice over)". Nothing can match the feeling!!! Inspite of all the discomfort of those prolonged months that distort your body out of shape & excruciating pain of delivery, the moment you hold the child in your arms something magical happens. You are never the same again!!!

I guess nothing will top the day I became a Catholic at age 54.

After 3 times being a mother.

Wedding day.

havent had it cause all have been met with crushingly bitter moments shortly after

first time I tryed LSD

Definitely child birth x2.

When you feel close to God.
I am in Him , He is in me.

the birth of my two babies - now teens.
It was a miracle to watch - as we tried for years to conceive.
and our wedding day!

i think it will be when i finally see an UFO

I was four or five years old and I woke up just as the sun was rising. It was a warm summer morning and we had a blackberry bush in the backyard that had just come into full fruit. I sneeked outside, walked backwards so I could see my footprints in the dew that covered the grass and stuffed myself with all the blackberries I could hold.

Looking back on that moment,with not a care in the world, I have to say that was my happiest day.

Seeing as my life is not yet completed, I cannot, from a philosophical point of view, truly answer the question.

I have had happy moments, but I do not know if a future event is yet to be considered my happiest.


Most moments in my life.... a lot of the time it's the simple things like hanging out with a friend by the lake, or playing with my younger cousin, or having fun with my family.