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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is he perfect for the job?

Question:So you are mega rich, mega connected, you don't care for the common people. You care about money and power. You will use peoples lives like pawns to make more money. They are not important. The economy is not important as long as your personal finances are getting bigger.

How does one find someone with no morals or heart and a total bumbling obediant fool? Why not use your son?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So you are mega rich, mega connected, you don't care for the common people. You care about money and power. You will use peoples lives like pawns to make more money. They are not important. The economy is not important as long as your personal finances are getting bigger.

How does one find someone with no morals or heart and a total bumbling obediant fool? Why not use your son?

i voted for bush only because i felt he was the lesser of the evils presented as choices, and i still believe that.
but it doesn't matter who is in the white house, he's just a puppet to his "advisors" anyway.
and the whole thing is simply coming together for a real hellion to be in charge pretty soon anyway, and it probably won't be an american, it will probably be some heavyweight in the middle east. America doesn't have the power and pull with nations it had some years ago and while this is not a good thing for america, it may not be a bad thing.
y'know it is difficult to know what is going on in the world, because our own news media is not giving out a whole lot of honest to god news

My and I need to take a minute sometime and talk about this. What the rest of the world sees through media and TV is FAR different than the reality of the situation.

I do not agree with everything that President Bush does or has done, but it is a far cry from the perception that you seem to have, which seems to be the same for the rest of the world.

President Bush knows on a daily basis the names of the soldiers killed the day before, and he remembers them.

Holding hands with a sheik is common for sheiks. The president was following Arab tradition. We would hope Arabs would follow American traditions here. "When in Rome..."

You used a link with "atlas shrugs" in it. Try this link instead and see what the author of Atlas Shrugged actually thought our government ought to be. It becomes quite dramatic and inspiring, especially the overlays of the tyrants with her words.

I think your idea of that government is also hers.