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Position:Home>Philosophy> What was the worse dilemma in your life?

Question:When my daughter was 6 months old, she had a seizure that lasted over 2 hours in the hospital with the doctor giving her phenobarbital trying to stop it. She is now 15 years old and seizure free for almost 3 years. God is good.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When my daughter was 6 months old, she had a seizure that lasted over 2 hours in the hospital with the doctor giving her phenobarbital trying to stop it. She is now 15 years old and seizure free for almost 3 years. God is good.

when my daughter father got my sister pregnant

Trying to answer this question? XD

Probably moving around so much in my life. It sucks. I have far too many things. :D

I had the same friends all through school primary and high school, and now half of them take speed and Ecstasy every weekend. The hardest dilemma was finding the strength to walk away from life long friends (my safety net) knowing that they weren't good or me anymore. I still miss them sometimes, but they're completely different now, and not in a good way.

When our Parents made me and my highschool Girl Friend get married in our Senior year of school because she was pregnant. I lost my chance to graduate with my friends, I missed out on my best years as a single person, the parties, the trips to Jamaica, and Aruba. The concerts, the dating, college, the works. I went from a 17 year old child into a mans world where all the people were 35 and older in the work force. It was brutal. I'd shoot myself in the head if I could go back.

I have been in a relationship for 3 1/2 years and somewhere along the way it started to change and I lost my independence. I was clingy and dependent upon him. I lost my True sense of self, I knew I was lost but didn't know how to fix myself or my relationship. Then I started talking to my older sister again and she had been through so much of the same thing, she helped me see when no one else could that I needed to become confident in myself again and realize the amazing qualities and what an amazing person I was, not that I was completely hopeless and didn't believe in myself at all, I just had lost most of that pizazz that made me, well me. It was very hard for me to listen to what she said and just try it. She helped me learn how to regain independence and my sense of self. I am so much better and so is my relationship! It was so hard to change and I know I couldn't have done it without her.

MO: that is the worst thing I have ever read, if you didn't want to take responsibility for the fact that you got your girlfriend pregnant, you shouldn't have had sex with her. I feel horrible for her and I hope someday she finds a man that is not a coward to love and cherish her. You are a sad person

falling for some-one totally inappropriate, completely and without reservation, knowing i could never act on my feelings, as too many people would suffer because of it. being closely associated with this person everyday for many years, keeping my deepest feelings to myself, while acting in a manner that never gave away my secret caused the deepest pain i will ever experience. unrequite-able attraction, of the deepest, most sincere kind is a living nightmare.

Leaving my husband of 15 years and three small children. It was harder on him than it was on the kids, they see him regularly and have adapted very well to the change