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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does making a man a knight make him a better fighter?

Question:Generally makes him better at all things. Knighthoods are hard to come by, you really have to earn it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Generally makes him better at all things. Knighthoods are hard to come by, you really have to earn it.

sure y not

yes. because their under the armor.. O.o

Did it work for Sir Elton John? Methinks not.

No, it makes him a Loyal companion if you will. Knight hood is being a protector of something, that doesn't nessarly make you a better fighter. A knight is the mediveal version of a samuria. they essentially have the same basic rules..

It depends on the quality of the training. Any knight who had a DI like the one I ... Well, you get the idea.

By the way - shouldn't successful survivors of boot camp get an award? How 'bout The Order Of The Purple Shaft For Wounded Pride? (They called us 'ladies' and worse.)

Well Sir Cliff Richard is only useful in combat holding a cross :P

Sir Elton John?!
The answer is no...

First, you can NOT MAKE a man a knight; it is his choice.
Second: Have you heard of knighthood? Chivalry?
Third: Knights were good at fighting, but ONLY within certain perameters. In general, they would not hurt an unarmed person (they never heard of Jet Li); they did not hit a lady (no Tomb Raiders). They did not backstab (of course, exceptions to every rule) or fight dirty.
If you want a good fighter, you need to remember the Queen's rules: Take off all the clothes you can, fight with all your might, and may the Good Lord have mercy on your soul.

Knighthood is a recognition to the superior skills of that individual, be they fighting, politics, or leadership. You don't just knight someone. Thats like giving an Olympic gold to an amateur athlete in hopes he becomes the best. Or giving an Emmy award to an actor who has only appeared in local commercials.