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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the difference between truth and accuracy?

Question:truth can be either a fact or an opinion. Telling the truth about how you look in an outfit is an opinion where as telling the truth about who won a game is fact.. Accuracy refers more to being exact/precise. Truth is telling it like it is.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: truth can be either a fact or an opinion. Telling the truth about how you look in an outfit is an opinion where as telling the truth about who won a game is fact.. Accuracy refers more to being exact/precise. Truth is telling it like it is.


Truth is objective while accuracy is subjective. Truth is a relation between propositions and accuracy is a perception of consistency.

Truth is the correctness of a statement or condition.

Accuracy is the prevalence of truthful statements within a collection of statements.


if a person always truth all the time and never lies, i would start worry about that person.
accuracy....something like you trying to make it truth or trying make a sense.