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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is Truth and how does it affect our perception of reality?

Question:What is Truth? Is Truth what we believe or what we can prove? Must truth exist in order to trust or can we trust in a lie? Is a lie based fully on perception where as all things are true based on your point of view? Is there no Truth unless we have Faith that such a thing exist? Does the Faith in Truth give us a feeling of safty that everything is as it should be and that if we go to sleep tonight we will wake up tomorrow safe and the same as when we went to sleep?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is Truth? Is Truth what we believe or what we can prove? Must truth exist in order to trust or can we trust in a lie? Is a lie based fully on perception where as all things are true based on your point of view? Is there no Truth unless we have Faith that such a thing exist? Does the Faith in Truth give us a feeling of safty that everything is as it should be and that if we go to sleep tonight we will wake up tomorrow safe and the same as when we went to sleep?

Truth is a relation between propositions. We might say that "if S and P, then Q (is true)". Truth can not exist without both S and P, and it relies on the relation between them. Of course we can be mistaken about our interpretation, but truth does not rely on our perception of the relation. Truth conotes the logical realionship between subject and predicate.

In order to understand if there is any such thing as absolute truth / universal truth, let us first begin by defining what truth is. Truth is defined by the dictionary as “conformity to fact or actuality; a statement proven to be or accepted as true; reality or actuality.” Some people today would say that there is no true reality, only perceptions and opinions. On the other hand, others would argue that there must be some absolute reality or truth. Therefore, when considering the question as to if there is such a thing as absolute truth, we see two diametrically opposed views.

When considering whether absolute truth really exists or not, is if there is there any evidence for the existence of absolute truth? If one carefully considers this question it quickly become evident that there is indeed evidence that points to the existence of absolute truth. The first evidence for the existence of absolute truth is seen in our conscience. Our conscience tells us that the world should be a “certain way,” that some things are “right” and some are “wrong.” It helps us to understand that there is something wrong with suffering, starvation, rape, pain, and evil. It makes us aware that love, generosity, compassion, and peace are positive things for which we should strive.

The second evidence for the existence of absolute truth is seen in science. Science is simply the pursuit of knowledge. It is the study of what we know and the quest to know more. Therefore, all scientific study must by necessity be founded upon the belief that there are objective realities that exist in the world. Without absolutes, what would there be to scientifically study? How could one know that the findings they made were real? In fact the very laws of science have to be founded on the certainty of absolute truth.

The third evidence for the existence of absolute truth / universal truth is the existence of religion. All the religions of the world are an attempt to give meaning and definition to life. They are born out of the fact that mankind desires something more than simply existing. Behind all religions is a fundamental belief that there must be more to life than simply this physical existence that we now know. Through religion, people are looking for assurance and hope for the future, for forgiveness of sins, for peace in the midst of our struggles, and for answers to our deepest questions. Religion is really evidence that mankind is more than simply a highly evolved animal. It is evidence of a higher purpose, and the fact that there is indeed a personal and purposeful Creator, who implanted into man the desire to know Him. And if there is indeed a Creator, then He becomes the standard for absolute truth, and it is His authority that establishes that truth.

"The truth or falsehood of all of man's conclusions, inferences, thought and knowledge rests on the truth or falsehood of his definitions."

This is why Ayn Rand always said everything is CONTEXTUAL. Look in the dictionary and notice that many words have a dozen or more definitions.

Which one is "fact"? The one that fits the context.

Truth 101. good luck!

now enigma note that i had only just now read what bru had written and wrote what i had on ur other exact question just moments prior, that should help you believe that there is one true existence of a purpose for us when two ppl nearly exactly state the same thing practically in the same terminology as one another, and not even know one another or had read one anothers answer. ;) see one thought of being united can be obtained with an open mind of acceptance and willingness to work with one another.