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Position:Home>Philosophy> This Girl is Super Righteous?

Question:I mean she goes to church on Sat., Sun, always praying. She doesn't date, drink, smoke, or do drugs. And she is super serious about her faith and following God.

BUT, she is 41, and unmarried and my family want her to get married, but she refuses to hear any talk of marriage. She says she found something better? I mean what is better religion? Or what do you think?

Could church be better than a man or husband?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I mean she goes to church on Sat., Sun, always praying. She doesn't date, drink, smoke, or do drugs. And she is super serious about her faith and following God.

BUT, she is 41, and unmarried and my family want her to get married, but she refuses to hear any talk of marriage. She says she found something better? I mean what is better religion? Or what do you think?

Could church be better than a man or husband?

Some women don't need a man to make them happy. It sounds to me as if she is right where she wants to be in her life. If she is happy, healthy and has a good relationship with god and her family then be happy for her.

1. Dont Pressure her!
2. Let her make her own decision.
3. Help her find a husband, if she deams it to be important for her in her life (but only at her request)

that is her faith and she doesn't have any need for any man. Who are we to tell her what she should be doing. she is after all 41. she must be very content with her life.are your family as content with theirs?

If Your lady friend is happy to be footloose and fancy free, and expend her time singing the praises of the great one, then who are you or I to convince or coerce her otherwise.

She sounds very chaste and upstanding. Wish her Well

Sounds like me in 30 years except with out all the heavy religeon. I'm semi religeuos but not to the point I'd obess over it and not doing anything to put it to work... I'd leave her alone she sounds like a good person. Religion is better than a relationship because it tests you but also assists you. I'd say she probably found a vibrator.. Joking lmao... Idk, I'd leave here alone, and let her be, god probably likes these kind of persons..

Considering I enjoy study way more entertaining than females (i'm not gay or sexist), I can see where this woman is coming from. If I were to find true love it be based off what I enjoy and like..

If she is happy, why does she need to do what her family or anyone else wants her to do. Leave her alone. It's her life to live, not anyone else's.

Ultimately she still has the right to her own volition, even if many disagree with it. In times past, many women that didnt want to marry or rejected the social norms either became social outcasts or nuns. The church offered these women a career as well as refuge from ignorant gossip.

I presume your friend is experiencing something similar, she likes her own independance alot. Now because of faith she has a renewed sense of identity and is experiencing that men are not what lacks in her life. But I also doubt her motives are so divine and noble. I wouldnt be surprised if her motives were because of a past relationship that went sour and really impacted her values from that day onwards. But hey its her right to make her mistakes yes? If say at 50 she becomes a lonely old woman and changes her stripes, it wont be anyone elses responsibility but her own.

Alot of people make unorthodox choices in life, your lady friend being one of them, and as long as they are of strong convictions and dont cry foul and blame others years later then I would let them be.