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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would you die for any one thing in life, given the chance to do so??

Question:I would die for any one of my family members.And I would die for my best friend...In a heartbeat!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would die for any one of my family members.And I would die for my best friend...In a heartbeat!

Woa, I didn't read the whole question...

I think I will, to my love one...

I'll catch the bullet with my chest just to make my love safe, unharm and forever happy^^

my mother or any immediate family.

The first thought that comes to mind is my s/o. But I would never die for him. Rather, I would choose to die with him. I could not imagine one of us having to go on without the other.

So I guess the answer is no.

As much as I'd like to say yes, I have to be totally honest and say no.
When it really comes down to it, I don't think any human(maybe a few) would willingly give their life for another. We are selfish beings and care more for ourselves than others. It's in our nature, we can't help it.

Many people would for world peace forever I'm sure.

it would depend on how incensed i was at the time
and on whether or not it would be quick and relatively painless.
if i was feeling particularly obstinate, i might be moved to drastic decisions.

I would die for eternal life! Any time, anywhere, that's Martini Bianco

i would die for an adamantium skeleton, a healing factor, and metal claws that come out of my fists.
either that or a giant silver board w/ the power cosmic.

lol i honestly can't say what i would die for, but what ever it might be if i got the chance id do it gladly.

My family

Given the chance? If the need presented itself, I would die to protect or better the life of my loved ones.

Wow.. good question.

Look how many answers you got in 54 minutes.

Hmm.. I would die for a lot of things, if I knew what the afterlife was like and if it was all its cracked up to be.

That's not a very good answer is it..

Anyway.. Happy Day to you all (:

only one person i havent found yet.

For Jesus, or to see the lord in person :D

Anyone who says "no" probably isn't a parent. I can say with utter confidence that I would die so that my child might live. As far as dying for a "thing," no I don't think I would do that. I might die in support of a belief, but I don't think I would die for a thing.