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Position:Home>Philosophy> What does the Law of Attraction say about children who are abused?

Question:If "like attracts like," does that mean these children are abusers, or that they asked the universe for abuse, or ....?

Does the Law not apply to those who cannot control their thoughts?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If "like attracts like," does that mean these children are abusers, or that they asked the universe for abuse, or ....?

Does the Law not apply to those who cannot control their thoughts?

Instead of asking did the children, children's energy, or children's thoughts BRING ON the abuse, I tend to look at it as the abuse was brought on by the negative energy exercised by the abuser. The children were, for all intents and purposes, innocent.

it is only the way you think, for example if you are always want to do a revenge to others and you think of abusing them then thats what you become

the 'law' is opposites attract

No way. Not all kids who were abused or lived in a house of abuse grow to be abusers. Some try to avoid conflict as best they can, but then sometimes walking away just isn't possible.
We have the power to our own thoughts and feelings.

i thought opposits attract.

Children are innocents. I do not believe that any Law of the Universe applies to children until they grow into the age of accountability. Once children understand the difference between right and wrong and understand that there are consequences to their actions, then they become accountable for their own actions.
In my opinion, this may not be reached until after they have grown into self-sufficient adults. Others may say it begins after age 13. I think it is relative to each individual. There are some who never understand completely that it is they who are responsible for their own actions, words and thoughts.