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Question:How would we tell the difference between a computer that merely mimics understanding and one that truely understands?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How would we tell the difference between a computer that merely mimics understanding and one that truely understands?

A computer can only mimic understanding because it is not a living thing but a program.

Artificial Intelligence to that degree has only been demonstrated in science fiction.

The Turing test is still the standard idea. Sit in front of it, and ask questions, have a conversation. If you believe it is a human on the other end, then you have true understanding.

Watch the movie I Robot.

your welcome.

Understanding is not's knowing the wrong and forgiving the mistake. A computer will never be able to forgive you. It has no heart and soul to make those choices. It never will.

This of course assumes that people truly understand.

The best a computer can do is to follow preprogramed interpretations of understanding. Some programs are very convincing, some are not.

There is a standard test - a turing test - that can be used to help decide whether or not understanding is taking place.

Humans use many feeds to determine understanding - vocal tone or physical posturing (if using sign language), overall appearance, and even the surroundings. We actually rely more on our interpretation of the event than the actual event, and will often notice small things while missing big details.