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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are your views on moral relativism?

Question:Do you think all moral standards should be tolerated?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you think all moral standards should be tolerated?

There is no good and evil, its only a mere artificial conception in order to build the groundwork of society:laws and orders.

People all have different aspect, perspective, feelings & taste, and of course: ways of dealing. When you ask a certain question which does not necessarily have one answer, the answer will vary between people. Its simple as that, some people may find some solution on certain question 'evil'; however in his perspective only more logical.

'Right-and-wrong' concept, moral builds up depending on the culture & parental teachings. So it all differs.

Most people will say abusing/murder is evil, but, in some circumstances, and in some countries, its tradition of sacrifice. And it is remote to the conception of 'evil' in their perspective.

In our world we have 'law and punishment'. But in my personal view its nothing more than a soft way to put 'vengence'.

There is no evil in this world, there is unique perspective.

I respect everyone's moral, its just that i sometimes cant take it because of difference in our thoughts, teachings, etc. Personally i think all moral standard should be tolerated. But in the real world, the country have its own law/moral, and therefore it will not be tolerant to everything, because simply they think its wrong.

Thanks for asking. ;)

Ahhh moral relativism, what is morality, what is the purpose and end of written moral code's of conduct ...

A free Society. Ordered. Man takes wife, reproduces, child leaves home upon maturity to perpetuate the race of mankind. Man and wife age and die. Fidelity to the one. For what does man seek but a constant companion, a soul mate.

A free Society. Man matured. Free love, liberty. Living in complexes where all are assigned roles and duties. None takes a mate and love flows freely available to all.

Discuss Pitfalls and Positives of both scenarios. And you will understand Morality.

What is man without honour but beasts in human form. Lust greed anger ambition destroy spirit and cast man into the hell of unfulfilled want need and desire ..

I tolerate other peoples moral standards because they stem from their own experiences not mine,and I am happy to invent my own as I go along.

I don't think personal morality is static or fixed.

It think that moral standards ARE tolerated. This once included such things as slavery, genocide, and lynching. Moral relativism is a pointless way to think of ethics. This is because it only answers "what is right in this culture at this time?" not the more fundamental question "what is right?" Moral relativism is almost not ethics at all. It can answer what is right now, but it can not answer what will be right tomorrow. More popular ethical theories (utilitarianism, non-utilitarianism) both seek to answer this question. It is the goal of ethics to answer this question, not to state facts such as what is accepted.