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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think we all should write our life stories?

Question:I am not sure about the youngest person ever to publish an autobiography, but I have noticed famous people as young as fourteen presenting their life to the world in this manner.

Writing an autobiography can be a business of much soul searching, and realising what is the truth, and what is presentable to an outsider world. I personally find it hard to see if there is anything worth mentioning in my account of life so far. But if I had known that someday I would meet some people interested in my life story, I might have been writing it more charmingly.

I think it would be good if all children were encouraged from an early age to write their story as they go through important stages of growth and development? This might help them to be good observers of life, and also to become good people. And for us adults, anytime is a good time, after all what worth is a life if its story cannot be told?

You thoughts are greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time, you have been very kind!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am not sure about the youngest person ever to publish an autobiography, but I have noticed famous people as young as fourteen presenting their life to the world in this manner.

Writing an autobiography can be a business of much soul searching, and realising what is the truth, and what is presentable to an outsider world. I personally find it hard to see if there is anything worth mentioning in my account of life so far. But if I had known that someday I would meet some people interested in my life story, I might have been writing it more charmingly.

I think it would be good if all children were encouraged from an early age to write their story as they go through important stages of growth and development? This might help them to be good observers of life, and also to become good people. And for us adults, anytime is a good time, after all what worth is a life if its story cannot be told?

You thoughts are greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time, you have been very kind!

Yes, unless indeed if it is a life worthy writing!

Biography broadens the vision and allows us to live a thousand lives in one.

Elbert Hubbard

Biography is a popular literary genre and an important one. It is popular because it satisfies our profound interest in other's people lives, especially those made salient by achievement, accident or celebrity. And it is important because insight into our lives is one of the chief materials we have for understanding our own. And sometimes for changing them in the light of the possibilities there differences from our own lives reveal.

The popularity of biography, always considerable has increased greatly since biographies allowed themselves frankness in the handling of intimacies. There is a good thing: life is lived more behind drawn curtains than on public platforms, so to give a living sense of personal human history the biographer must lift veils. This satisfaction of our need to understand - is what adds to biography's values.

Thanks for asking. Have a good day!

Not really, because some topics are rather personal. And you really don't want to lie in an autobiography.

lol...yes, because people need to realize how messed up other people are in comparison so we can all stop being foolish.

if we all write, then who will read ????

Hi there, well it all depends I always keep a journal but I've thought about what you have said for a while before I have answered this and I still cant come up with an honest answer

1) because I never go back and read my journals/diary's
2) I wouldn't want to read just anybodies journals/ life story's-only people that truly interest me,
3) to be completely honest some peoples lives don't appeal to others and vice verse
4) and lastly just because your putting your life on paper, doesn't mean your going to live it better, that would mean everyone who kept a journal wouldn't have steered off course and sometimes when we make the biggest mistakes in our lives, is when we become the most humble and closest to God, that is my experience, if I would have done everything according to plan, WOW what a boring life that would have been and I would not be the person I am today, and only God knows if that's who I'm so pose to be (but it feels right)

celebrity autobiographies are mostly ghost written and therefore require no soul-searching!
i've kept i diary since i was seven, which i sometimes read when i come accross them and feel narcisstic!
but i don't feel it has any benefit for me now.
it's more of a purging thing at the time...
i dont think children should be forced to keep a record of their lives, but it should definatly be suggested to them.

i would love to do that..omg i have so much to say..wouldn't know where to start..honestly would be a god book..pol x