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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why we have good Image buterfly,But we have bad feel or hate from worm?

Question:You don't know how to embrace all creations. You probably have a hard time accepting bad moments, bad feelings as well as pain.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You don't know how to embrace all creations. You probably have a hard time accepting bad moments, bad feelings as well as pain.

I've thought about that before... the colors mainly, but flight as well. But as a spectator you don't see the body of a butterfly, you just see the colorful wings, and they're a sign of spring, rebirth, that whole schtick.

This text messageing is really messing with you guys huh? We luv da worm 2

Worms eat crops, and are generally considered to be destructive, while butterflies bring beauty and color to us. Most people want to one day blossom into a beautiful graceful butterfly, because roght now they feel like a worm, working hard for every inch they go while being despised by most people.

Can't catch fish with butterflies.