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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is your story so far worth the pain of its telling?

Question:You know I would love to be told the true story of my life one day from God Himself or from someone who knows the secret meaning and sense of every event in my life. And I wander if that would be a pain for me to hear... It's a pain to live that story sometimes, and is still a great joy to know that it is to be continued... so far...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You know I would love to be told the true story of my life one day from God Himself or from someone who knows the secret meaning and sense of every event in my life. And I wander if that would be a pain for me to hear... It's a pain to live that story sometimes, and is still a great joy to know that it is to be continued... so far...

It's worth a pretty good laugh =)

Yulp. Ever minute, second and milli is worth it. Pain is only pain if you let it be pain.

I never let people get to know me long enough for them to see..

It's that scary.

pain, more than love, determines who we are
i wouldnt be me had it not been for what i went through in the past.
so yes, it is worth it

Yes, well worth the pain- without the pain, I would have missed out on so many wonderful experiences.

The longer it gets the less I like to tell it.

Only if it equates to less pain than having to listen to it. Otherwise, I'll keep schtum.

Yep....some pain, but lots of laughter....especially where I am now. My college roommate and I will usually find something well worth laughing about.

Some tales are better left untold, unspoken, unsaid ...

No, nor the annoyance. Everybody has problems! No need to hear me *****!


Yes, because it allows me to be more empathetic to others who are now going through what I have in the past.

You wouldn't belive it my friend...we're talking four part movie...but hey who would watch it?

Well, it's looking up. I have yet to reach the pinnacle. Only then can I decide.

Well put, very thought provoking. And to answer you, I really don't know. Pain is so yukky yet I do so enjoy telling and hearing a well worth it life story.

Take a few moments to check out my personal profile and see how my pain in life became the joy of my life. My Lord has used me to prove Him many times...I am fortunate to have lived many miracles through my faith in Him.

Yes, sure is.

It would depend on the point of telling the story. entertainment, education etc. Only the teller can make such an informed decision at that point. So many variables to the reason of telling such a story. Hmm..... yet another question without a fully satisfying answer, philosophy, what a surprise.

memory fragments quietly and occasionally whispered. but maybe some stories are not told in words. maybe some of our stories are not told but still have the capacity to make an imprint (hopefully not too painful to behold).