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Question:What did Neitzsche mean in saying that modern morality is "herd animal morality"?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What did Neitzsche mean in saying that modern morality is "herd animal morality"?

I believe he meant that most people do not examine in any detail the mores put forth by society. They follow like sheep in order to feel safe and to conform. This is contrary to a true position of morality in which one has questioned and evaluated what is believed to be “right and wrong” and why.

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander?

meaning it′s a conventional morality; we believe a thing is moral because we were taught to.

the morality of the individual is still to come.

"Animal Farm," George Orwell, is an example of "herd morality."

Fred's answer was to realize individuality, something difficult, as he found out, going bonkers and walking meekly after his mom in her house, dressed in a white robe. (Being the "anti-Christ" was clearly not his thing.)

Kierkegaard, who lived about the same time as FN, had perhaps a more complete insight: man has three possible spheres of development: first, the Aesthetic, the existential now, which correlates with Maslow's basic needs-meeting; the Ethical, which is man's philosophic and moral reflection on the Aesthetic now, looking it over and deciding what's important; and some make it to living in all three spheres, the third being the Spiritual or Religious. True religion is not merely herd animal morality, nor is it merely philosophic supermannishness, but a realization that "God is in this place" (the Aesthetic and Ethical) "and I knew it not"--Jacob's re-cognition as he wrestled with the Angel, the angle, of God's Mind, receiving a new name, "Israel."

Sources: "The Path of Christ or Antichrist," Mark Prophet,
"The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil," O. M. Aivanhov,
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, Ph.D., and
"Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton.

He was a drama queen so if you asked him for directions to the men's room he'd issue forth some pronouncement that no one understood and which was in its essence a bunch of bullshot when he could have simply said two doors down on the right.

Herd morality just means we're group social creatures and so we have the good of the group at heart as well as our own personal good. Big deal. See what I mean?