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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it true you can live all of your life and never know what your purpose is or

Question:yes mam, but if you really think about it, every day of our life, we are without knowing it, that perhaps we are fullfilling our purpose little by little. kinda like george baily, in its a wonderful life. you dont realize the influence that you have with every individual you come into contact with. as time goes on, what you want to be in life is exactly where we end up. we succeed everyday with choices that we make. we may have had dreams that never came to be. but what we are is what is what our life is. (or so called profession) were all special no matter how little we appear to be or what society says we are. ruthie

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yes mam, but if you really think about it, every day of our life, we are without knowing it, that perhaps we are fullfilling our purpose little by little. kinda like george baily, in its a wonderful life. you dont realize the influence that you have with every individual you come into contact with. as time goes on, what you want to be in life is exactly where we end up. we succeed everyday with choices that we make. we may have had dreams that never came to be. but what we are is what is what our life is. (or so called profession) were all special no matter how little we appear to be or what society says we are. ruthie

Maybe? but if you cant find a decent purpose or something to aim for in all that time then somethings wrong somewhere.

That's why you have to decide and think about what you want to be, i guess

I guess so...

It sure is...look at our overcrowded prison system, skid row, the "across the tracks" area of any town.Some base their existence on the weekend and beer and NFL. What opposite sex is available...some love a shallow earthly existence.

Sometimes there is no purpose. Some people go through life without a speciality or a "god given talent." There have to be some people who don't have a purpose, otherwise society wouldn't have anyone to do the real crappy jobs.

Im a firm believer that the only thing that holds us to feeling we have no purpose is fear. I debated in alot of existential philosophical channels about this at great lengths but the underlying factors always seem to be broken down to pleasure and pain, to work outside these is very difficult. But I think that if you can come to some self realisation that disirious pleasure and pain dont need to rule your every motive then perhaps you can form a more worthwhile purpose for yourself.

Im presuming alot of what people mean when they ask whats the purpose of life is more a feeling of angst than a real question seeking a real answer. If a person really meant to find out then wouldnt it hold to reason that the same person would be rational enough to determine this answer requires immense investigation? And I dont mean just willy nilly throwing back and forth a notion or supposition about the futility vs the benefits of any certain action undertaken to improve life or not.

I mean taking immense action and really grabbing the bull by the horns kind of approach. Then after really exhaustive investigation and trying to handle situations in life with more courage than melodramatic fatalism, and knowing more about your strengths and weaknesses can you really begin to see whether your question holds some merit or whether you just needed to venture out more and discover your own truths and purpose.

Partially yes.... I'd put it this way.... we have a reasonable idea of what purpose we have in life at all stages of our life... however, this idea keeps varying from time to time leaving us never sure of what the purpose really is.

To find it you have to look.

Yes so I be came a Crack-pot it is the only way in life

But I do know my purpose.

Sure, I know people who do that, my parents. They sure know how to live: never understanding their purpose. L!