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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you are of mixed race, do you hate one and love the other?

Question:I am German, Scot, Jew and Indian.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am German, Scot, Jew and Indian.

You are quite the combo Coop! I'm Jewish - straight from Moses through and through - lol. Nothing mixed, except maybe my mixed-up brain - lol.

My daughter, however, is half Christian and half Jewish. She embraces the Jewish side.

Ethnically, I'm Rumanian - 3/4 and a teeny bit Polish and German. I am proud of this heritage too. Why not? I am what I am.

I don't "hate" the other. but i embrace one's culture and not so much the other.

you are Adam my friend, got all the genes
we are all Children of God and should love each other regardless of race, religion and living standard,

because of the way you were raised and the people you associate with. Shame that we all cant just be nice to one another.

Race is superfulous to who you are. You are more than the sum of your parts and above your superficial surface appearances. Its just that in this day and age race is given way too much importance. In the future when all this racial bickering is a thing of the past, perhaps people will look at racial mixing or physical racial traits as a cosmetic thing and hence inconsequential. Like how it might be nice for a girl to have asian eyes but yet still have blonde hair, to seem more exotic.

But if your looking at it from a cultural perspective then race may give you something in one society that is not offered in another. So perhaps for say a latin man who is part white, he sees the value of his latin culture being more romantically articulate than say his more analytical and logically oriented white heritage.

I think ultimately love and hate are not daily choices but personal convictions to how you dictate your own lifestyle. You cant be a compassionate person but still be a Nazi sympathiser. Just the same reason you cant hate dogs but say your an animal lover. Anything along those lines of reasoning is hypocrisy at best.

no, like them all. I only focus on one, however.

Love all and each....because our Creator made all and loved all...