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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are anyones opinions and perceptions really their own?

Question:If nature and nurture and environment contribute to a persons perception. Is any perception really ones own?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If nature and nurture and environment contribute to a persons perception. Is any perception really ones own?

Everthing is recycled...your breath, your bodily fluids, even your body is dust from the earth. And sad but true your thoughts are recycled from your relationships, your parents and teachers thoughts recycled into your own...everything you see and hear is recycled into your own perceptions...but there is nothing new under the sun. Then again, thats just my recycled opinion.

Yes, eventualy you gain enough to understand the world, and you make your own perception of it. THough it is very rare to do so.

yes,,,,,its just others who feel the same as I do!! lol

Kool Aid is comprised of the Kool Aid packet, sugar, and water. It takes all three of these things to prepare Kool Aid the right way.

Just as one's perceptions and opinions are their own, but comprised of many ingredients from their environments.


10% is as good as it gets.

Yes....others, nature, environment, and many other things contribute to everyone making perceptions and opinions. Just because these things contribute to making our perceptions and opinions, it does not mean that the perceptions and opinions are not our own. All of our opinions and perceptions are our own, because no two opinions are exactly alike.

No. How could they be?

No....We don't exist,
we *are* the world,
that nature, nurture
and environment.

Almost all perceptions and opinions are influenced by our evironment to some extent. We build opinions based on what we see and hear around us every day. Our perceptions are altered and influenced by our experience, which is defined by our interactions with people and situations. So it is impossible to say these are ever 100% our own. However, occasionally, these elements do combine to spawn a completely unique, genuine idea. These are what genius is made of, and what really shape a culture. These original ideas then become part of the "database" for the rest of our thoughts and opinions to be built on, starting the cycle over again.