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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would you feel infringed upon if people wrote about your life without your permi

Question:You have no solid proof, no names but feel at times they have made comments regarding your life, should you be pissed, amused at their obsession, feel sad they can not communciate in person but feel only brave behind a keyboard, tell me how you would feel?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You have no solid proof, no names but feel at times they have made comments regarding your life, should you be pissed, amused at their obsession, feel sad they can not communciate in person but feel only brave behind a keyboard, tell me how you would feel?

Definitly.....The person doing the writing can't really write about your life because they probably haven't interviewed you, so they can't write an accurate biography because they don't know how you feel about things. I would probablly feel a bit of all three...a bit pissed because they would rather write about my life instead of theirs, amused because I may thing that it's only a passing thing, and sad because they don't seem to be able to communicate in person.

I would feel nothing honestly, maybe a little pride. I already know I have people making a biography on me, not from them telling me of course.... How ever being watched is something you can enjoy, becuase sometimes they will keep you alive, so you can continue your story so to speak. It's not really infringment considering my life isn't copywritten, or trade marked. :).

well if they say good stuff which made me appear gud then i wud hve no objection but if they rote stuff which i dont want ppl to kno bout then i wud definately b pissed....

You say you have 'No Proof', does this infer that you don't know if.
YOU are the central character portrayed, even though there is no particular reference to you.


So 'Wake Up' and, 'Put Some Meaning to YOUR Life,instead of following blindly along and doing the same as everyone else.'

If I was 100% sure someone was doing that....and publishing what they wrote I would sue them.

I imagine I would feel violated and flattered all at once...Not sure which one would win out though. I guess it would depend on what they said about me....