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Position:Home>Philosophy> What IS all the world?

Question:All the world is incomprehensible. Too much random flux.

In so much we can consequently choose (wrongly) to assign the world to will.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: All the world is incomprehensible. Too much random flux.

In so much we can consequently choose (wrongly) to assign the world to will.

Its just what it is.

the world is all an illusion that we need to fill with distractions and delusions so that the time and the pointlessness of it all will be a little bit more bearable.

Tha world, mentally spiritually and physically

That answer would depend on your definiens (or that which is doing the defining), in this case, me.

I would, most courageously quote Shakespeare and state that, "all the world's a stage!"

A huge collection of dust, with a sprinkling of elements.

life circle.
Every thing for your life and others.

Know the inner meaning of these things

It is nothing, but the expression of human minds.

All and nothing, time and eternity ... blah blah blah. Words do not answer this question. It's a good question and all, but best kept inside your head where it will ricochet around pleasurably without embarrassing you.

the world is reality - life in it!!