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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have You Humbled Yourself???

Question:When was the last time you silenced your voice and humbled yourself in meditation of a universal higher power?

Do you think if we humans shut up for once maybe we would hear the sublime?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When was the last time you silenced your voice and humbled yourself in meditation of a universal higher power?

Do you think if we humans shut up for once maybe we would hear the sublime?

Humans by nature will not humble themselves, it takes something outside ourselves to humble us. We are by nature prideful, times will come in life when you realize how meaningless that pride is and you are humbled.

This morning...I pray every day. And yes, I do think that if we'd shut up, we'd hear His voice calling us. Sometimes we just like the sound of our own voices

not recently,

no, we would not

about 3 days ago I was humbled through an act of love, wow and did I learn a lot. When one turns off the internal chatter and lets go this reality, then yes the sublime will be a lot less subliminal[couldn't resist, sarcasm is high humor]. It is always amazing how small a humbling moment makes us, how insignificant the smallness of our "selves", the way we cling to things that need to be let go.........

It requires constant long term practice. Surely a Guru's guidance is required. Otherwise we get amused by the mind's trick.

Define humbled?

The last time I got on my knees and prayed, my god told me to stand up and be the man I was made to be. Any parent takes pride in the greatness of their children. Do you really think your humility is a badge of honour?