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Position:Home>Philosophy> When you ask a question...?

Question:And one of the answerers types down an excuse for you instead of straight out answering your question...ex. You ask about blue, and your answerer answers about red.

~In your opinion, what is inside a person that makes them not give straight answers? Do you think they're offended by your question? Do you think they may be afraid of the truthful answer, so they skate around it?

Your opinions please, thanks guys!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: And one of the answerers types down an excuse for you instead of straight out answering your question...ex. You ask about blue, and your answerer answers about red.

~In your opinion, what is inside a person that makes them not give straight answers? Do you think they're offended by your question? Do you think they may be afraid of the truthful answer, so they skate around it?

Your opinions please, thanks guys!

I think you give them too much credit. I don't think they take other people IN enough to be threatened etc. I think most of them just hear some trigger word like "color" or even A color, and go off on their own agenda about color.

Responsiveness is one of the most valuable and rare of commodoties, in my observation.

If a contact of mine answers differently than what the question was formulated, I understand and praise him/her. You see, when I chose my contacts, I carefully chose their wonderful "sense of humor and wits". I do therefore, not get offended. I also, do not analyze their response. I am simply a friend, not a therapist.

a) they are confused
B) they are crazy
C) they are obsessed with red
d) etc...

I like them. Sometimes they are answering the question. They are just not answering it from the angle that I expected.

I have had quite a few aa-ha moments from these kids of answers.

love and blessings Don

Some people just like to argue...and some don't even realize it, everybodys nature and disposition is different so when publicly asking questions, your gonna get a lot of different stuff...but don't let em get to ya, I've had to bite my lip a few times...and again I have offended some with my answers, unintentionaly of course, but how is one to know? If we all answer the same way, what would be the point in questioning.

they might just forget what the question is and answer something related, think that what they have to say is more important and will be better for you to know than the answer to your question, or just feel like talking about something besides your question if it is related. or, they could just have misunderstood your question. none of it is actually thought out or anything though. i dont think people actually have that much of a psychological reasoning behind not directly answering.

They are or In some I answer the way I feel and I assume others do to. That is not skating around an answer, there is no right or wrong answers or grades people are gonna get for them. You ask a question in hope that it gonna be answered in your favor than you are reaching. For lots of questions there could be many opinions not necessarily answers. If it is a yes or no answer you want then ask a simple yes or no question. Whats right for one isn't right for all. As blue is to red. Narrow a mind down to yes, no, red,blue, then it doesn't leave much room for growth.

I think they're trying to be helpful but can't quite answer your question, so they do that instead. It might be a clue, at least.

Sometimes the answers I give are just wrong. Poorly worded questions are my excuse. The reason I do it is self satisfaction. Many times the answer I would have liked to give is already there, so I will give a different answer just because I like to see more than one aspect of some questions gotten into. My biggest worry is violations for stating my feelings/opinions rather than just giving a rote answer. An example would be "What is the meaning of life"? I have long and short answers. Now I read the A's questions and answers to tailor it a bit. Chocolate and money seem more appropriate than 42 or whatever....

so your favorite color is blue.
well mine is red.
i think that they put what they can related to or what is more personal to them. lets say blue reminds them of red. so thats what they write about. everyone is affected differently, so the answer you might have been expecting, isn't what your gonna get. idk. that probably didn't make any sense. guess i'm just one of those people

Some questions need to be considered very carefully. people, especially young people are often swayed and influences by what they see and read on the Internet. We all have the responsibility to be as clear and as compassionate as possible. Some people may avoid the question because they are afraid of advising someone and putting them on a wrong pat. Most of us are not psychiatrists or counsellors and just want to help.

well, sometime i give the wrong answer don't make me feel bad or afraid of the truthful answer. but i have strong backbone to tell people the truth whatever if i like it or not.
yes , sometime people look at me when i gave the wrong answered ,when i slipped my mind off the base, if i was half sleepy . but ....sometime people will take it very seriously some don't .
hey , i am human!
hope i answer it right , lol.