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Position:Home>Philosophy> What the meaning of this phrase to you?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: TODAY.

today.. the present... a chance to do something.. a chance to dream.. a chance to live.. a chance to express myself.. a confession.. an idea.. a feeling.. a door to others' day.. a step to the better.. a step to tomorrow.. a time i will never get back.. a time i don't regret.. mistakes.. lies.. beliefs.. actions i learn from.. stupidity.. laughter.. joy... depression. death wish.. no mor tomoro.. may be the last day... the best i have at the moment.. my life!

Today is my chance! I've got so much to do. Today just may

a part of time made by us humans to divide our lifes a bit more

"TODAY" is the 'yesterday' of 'tomorrow'

Today is mine. Today is where my life works. It gives me clear vision and hope of what i can do today. I breath, I smile, I cry, And I know "today" is to do something today.

that's when it all happens; times up and it's too late. that's what it means to me

Today. It has no meaning, it is the day following yesterday and preceding the day to come tomorrow. Is that a little tragic.

Life is Such.

I wish you well.

the rest of my life

Nothing special - this day - today - same as shoe, or car or bird -


ask me tomorrow, & i'll tell ya how much simpler yesterday feels.