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Position:Home>Philosophy> Sometimes my Roper washing machine does not spin on the spin-dry cycle. Why?

Question:Maybe, like some of the answerers here, the machine is just overloaded.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Maybe, like some of the answerers here, the machine is just overloaded.

This is a problem. There is a book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance". But I don't think there is such a tome for washing machines.

try Whirlpool with 10 cycles. might want to post this in another area other than philosophy....but since you answer would be because it doesn't WANT to?

Either a god or a devil or something invisible and supernatural is interfering with your life and the lives of others. Ever since Adam and Eve ate the pomegranate Roper's have been unreliable. There's a full article in Consumer Reports. Also, Revelations mentions something about washing machines in the chapter with the 6's.

...or could it be.......a jesus maybe?

try with fewer clothes.