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Position:Home>Philosophy> Astrology: what is your opinion of it?

Question:Do you believe in it? Why do you believe? Why don't you believe?

Have a great one!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you believe in it? Why do you believe? Why don't you believe?

Have a great one!

I belive all things are connected...the universe expands and then contracts then folds over it'self and begains again, a circle, unbroken. Positive and negitive energies seemingly fighting against one another, but when looked at from a farther distance, they seem to compliment each other, balance, yin & yang if you will. If looked at in the right perspective, all things are true and good, but must have an opposite to balance in the scheme of things. And altho you might not want to tell a truck driver that you are a part of him and he a part of you...we are all connected. The smallest atoms cycle and recycle as does the largest galaxy.

Astrology was a way to try and explain and predict something which was observed. We can say, perhaps, the much of the explanation and prediction is wrong, but observations are observations.

For example, even the most modern means of describing personality types bears a striking resemblance to those of astrologers. Keirsey himself observes this in one of his books about what is usually called the Briggs-Meyers test. If modern psychologists find their work has a similarity to that of astrologers', then it is no surprise that some still find it easy to attribute 'signs' to people!

I can also recall a study that suggested that seasonal variations do correlate to certain personality types. So again we can see something that astrologers observed has a basis in fact. Unfortunately for the astrologers, though, leading explanations tend these days to have to do with environmental pressures such as restrictive clothing and sunlight rather than the positions of all-but-invisible astronomical objects.

So yes, there is some truth to astrology. But no, distant stars and comets do not determine your fate.

it can be interpreted any way so no i dont believe it

Most fascinating. To think I am predestined because the alignment of planets and stars say so. But at the same time flawed, because there is a 13th astrological sign that was taken off the charts when the Gregorian calendar was put into use. So to believe a man made idea is controlling me and my personality is more for amusement and intrigue than anything to actually base my life on.

The above reply (by Dr. Y) is well stated. I do and don't believe...middle of the road. However, I have noted over the years that there may be a bit of truth to some of it. Then again, that may be coincidence. I am aware, however, that I am what is known as a typical Aquarius. ( Also an INFJ)

don't believe in it.

you have to be only God to be able to predict. or that there is one gifted blind old lady back home grandmother of a prominent leader, who's fortelling all came true-in my family.

I am pretty suspicious about that.

Basically its a lot of spheres.

I used to believe it until I examined it closely, did charts the lot. Found nothing there. So dumped it with all the other superstition, supernatural and occult.

What I have discovered is that we make our own future. And we can take control.

Kuso, si, merde, scheisse (as Japanese, Chinese, French and Germans might say). i studied it, so I know much more than the average person about it.

I only believe in it, when it says (in the papers or magazines) positive things about me. (Aries)
Well, when negative stuff is printed on that particular week, I just say to myself: What do they know about ?