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Position:Home>Philosophy> Seriously, does the size of your god matter?

Question:Well? Does it? Think hard!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well? Does it? Think hard!

The human mind came up with this notion, God didn't. It comes down to who has the bigger ego, not the bigger God.

LOL "my G-d is bigger than your G-d!"

Size? Can you clarify?

the size of the gods are beyond measure. they can be found in a grain of sand, and they can hold universes at the palm of their hands at the same time.

Size of god doesn't matter,what matter is place & presence which is all over the galexy.

I thunk about it real hard and I done come to the conclusion that the size o yo GOD dont amount to a hill o beans. Any self respectin GOD would be all powerful and omnipotent and he'd no need for no physical shell at'all. I figure there caint be too many of these all powerful types running around cus they'd jest get in one anothers way. So Ima gonna stick to my original answer, no, it dont matter, cus they all one o the same GOD.

Y'all have a nice day now hear. I'm done tuckered with all the hard thinkin an Ima in the need of a touch of the sauce to spry me up again.

my God is so big! so strong & so mighty! there's nothing my God cannot do! the mountains are His. the valleys are His. the skies & the stars are His too!

Size dose not matter it's the power he commands .

I think you will first have to know the size of your God to compare it to mine...

There is only one God.

I would say god is like a baby, fresh and clean. If a baby pinches your skin to pull you near your eyes tear and you get nearer to the child. So he maybe a little baby but you are defensless against him, unless you are wicked. When a baby is upset he's like the rain storm there is no comfort for him until it runs its course.Word

Of course it does! The bigger my god the wiser he is.

but of coarse! you try worshiping a deity that's less than 3 feet tall. i tell ya, midget gods get no respect!