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Question:What, in basic child terms, is the study of philosophy really all about anyway?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What, in basic child terms, is the study of philosophy really all about anyway?

Philosophy questions everything but does not prove anything. Topics include: existence, meaning of life, beauty, what is knowledge, etc. etc.
I don't think there is an accurate definition of philosophy.

Philosophy is mans questions on life, god, existance, morals and ethics, a way to conduct yourself as well as a way to think of yourself and your purpose.

Looking for the answers to WHY?

Philosopher means: Lover of Wisdom.
So, I guess you can say that philosophy means: Love of Wisdom.

In child terms: Philosphy is what grandpa does when he visits and nobody listens when he talks! lol..

Okay there is 3 answer I want to use.

1.Philosphy is the reason we do things besides the fact we are told to do so, the emotions, thoughts, and belifes of why. It's the back bone of society even though most disagree.

2.It's a genetic thing, of how great minds die, they leave something behind for another person to aborb their studys to continue.

3.Philosphy is nothing more than answer questions with a poetic approach, not so much in poetry form, but explaining with a dept beyond simple; yes n no, and because answers..