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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does life owe you a living or do you control your own fate and create your own d

Question:Sarte, my favorite, says we are condemned to freedom. Why the negative conotation? Because we are condemned by this freedom! We all carry the burden of making the decisions in our life. and instead of seeing that negatively, as most do when critiquing existentialism, Sarte argued this serious burden, this harsh reality gives more meaning and value than any religion can. To accept one's existence and to realize it is yours, alone to do with, is a big thing. He further stated that there are no pre-reqs for living. There is no rule book. Expectations by parents, society or by necessity is only chosen if you decide to partake. You can choose not to. Accepting responsibilty for your choices is poignant. You can creat who you are and what you want to do as many times as you wish. Existence allows for this. Any perception of restriction or external consequence is because you are making decisions within a finite structure. Maybe you want to be a millionaire, but thinking it so does not make you one. There are structural restrictions: other people's perceptions, education, capital, hard-work, competition , etc. The acheivement of these things is not due to "god" or luck. They are obtainable through reality. Some who fulfill and conquer these things smetimes make it, sometimes don't. It's all how you maneuver through the system; and sometimes you have to try again. It is hard. It is difficult. But at the same time that is what makes it so sweet.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Sarte, my favorite, says we are condemned to freedom. Why the negative conotation? Because we are condemned by this freedom! We all carry the burden of making the decisions in our life. and instead of seeing that negatively, as most do when critiquing existentialism, Sarte argued this serious burden, this harsh reality gives more meaning and value than any religion can. To accept one's existence and to realize it is yours, alone to do with, is a big thing. He further stated that there are no pre-reqs for living. There is no rule book. Expectations by parents, society or by necessity is only chosen if you decide to partake. You can choose not to. Accepting responsibilty for your choices is poignant. You can creat who you are and what you want to do as many times as you wish. Existence allows for this. Any perception of restriction or external consequence is because you are making decisions within a finite structure. Maybe you want to be a millionaire, but thinking it so does not make you one. There are structural restrictions: other people's perceptions, education, capital, hard-work, competition , etc. The acheivement of these things is not due to "god" or luck. They are obtainable through reality. Some who fulfill and conquer these things smetimes make it, sometimes don't. It's all how you maneuver through the system; and sometimes you have to try again. It is hard. It is difficult. But at the same time that is what makes it so sweet.

Life don't owe me nothin! We all control our own fates and create our own destinies with each step we take, and every move we make.


now thats a good question

fate sets your path to a certain extent
but the choices you make in life ultimately determin your destiny

Life received my birth and only owes me death. I try to be the master of my own destiny.

if anything we owe life something. Anyway, you make your fate, and your destiny. For the most part, we change it with what we do. There is a building in a paralell universe that has our hour glass of how long we live, and the color of sand chooses how we live, the more we do changes the sands. Taking away, adding, changing colors, or mixing..

i hope your joking

Life doesn't owe anybody anything, you work hard to make your own life.

You control your own life, fate and destiny, along with being responsible for your own happiness, words and actions.