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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the most profound thing one can do to change a child's life?

Question:Teach them to care...but warn them of the ways of the world. I think it's nessesary to guide our children toward proper living but warn them also of the dangers that lie ahead.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Teach them to care...but warn them of the ways of the world. I think it's nessesary to guide our children toward proper living but warn them also of the dangers that lie ahead.

Love them unconditionally

I think that when they say there going to be there, to actually be there. Never ever ignore them, my parents do and know I tend to ignore children not realizing it. I think they could also teach them valuable lessons, if they aren't taught manners, they will never use them in later life.

Not seeing death, but seeing brutality. Seeing someone scream for dear life, while being saw and shot to death. Family n friends death aren't the biggest, seeing strangers die is.

Teach them the difference between fact and opinion.

Allow them to be their own person. Make sure they are given the chance to be as open-minded, loving and compassionate as they can be. Allow them to use their imagination. Love them for who they are, not who you want them to be.

Champion their inner child, who is their soul, and which is memorable experiences of loving, being loved, security, joy, peace, freedom, wisdom, faithfulness, truthfulness, learning to be accountable and earn, and so on, and healing their childishness, such as envy, greed, anger, pride, jealousy, etc.

Sources: "The New Strong-Willed Child," Dr. James Dobson,
"A Spiritual Approach to Parenting: Secrets of Raising the 21st Century Child," Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D.

Reading to and with a child, especially at night, inspiring stories, such as "Chronicles of Narnia" and "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis, "Tintin" series, Herge, "The Secret Garden," Burnett, "Doctor Dolittle" series, Hugh Lofting, and "The Little Prince," Saint Exupery, and Scripture such as Psalms, is considered the single most important element of success.

Sharing regular meals together, talking, without tv or phone interruption, is most significant factor for family love and strength.

Esteeming daughter for her good qualities, by father, is single most important factor in her valuing her purity, her worth apart from boys' using her as sexual object.

Playing ball, going on nature walks, fishing, etc., with son is most important factor for man re modeling genuine manliness, including respect for and loving of wife, being breadwinner, etc.

Other worthwhile authors: Chi Cheng Huang, M.D., "When Invisible Children Sing," "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, Ph.D., "Life before Life," Jim Tucker, M.D., "University of Destruction," David Wheaton, and "Babies Remember Birth," David Chamberlain, Ph.D.

Give to them of your time, understanding and love. Introduce them to the Great Father explaining his great merits and charge of the world ... I think I am tired ...signing off ...

Nannu Nannu ...

Teach them not to fear and to think clearly for themselves.

Let them be who they want to be....don't smother them.