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Question:I'm Priceless :o)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm Priceless :o)

Like a bajillion dollars,
and two thousand threehundred twenty four starbursts.

Alot there is no price to

It depends in which context you are asking. I am worth my life and my work, and everything that I have earned. In the eyes of one, I could be priceless, in the eyes of another, I could be worthless.

i am not for sale.


Not one cent.

I'm worth what the lord says I am.

I'm worth what ever the highest bider pays.

I know so much but don't give it all away, I'm worthless in general.

i'm not to be sold
even if am worth something,the world canot pay for me
does this show how much i'm worth?

No one person is worth more than thee next. We are all equal, we have the same amount of knowlege to lead up to, and the same things we could be, just depends on who finds those powers within them and moves along.

I'm worth just as much as those around me.

Priceless and therefore I deserve only the best of life.

As much as my Maker is worth.

Depends who you talk family and friends.....a whole bunch. They mean a lot to me. If you're talking to some other people, I'm probably not worth much, but those people aren't worth bothering with.

I'm Worth the Value I Give to Myself.

i'm like a stock on that big gambling machine the stock market. sometimes i'm worth more than you could ever afford, other times i feel like i'm not worth the dirt under your feet.

Not sure... The auction on ebay is still pending.

Honestly though? I have no idea... and that kinda makes me sad.