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Position:Home>Philosophy> Who would you "gladly" blame for your happiness ??

Question:1. Your feeling of "contentment"
2. Your feeling of "compassion"
3. Your feeling of "empathy" ??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1. Your feeling of "contentment"
2. Your feeling of "compassion"
3. Your feeling of "empathy" ??


Just as I am responsible for all of my actions, I am also responsible for creating and retaining my own happiness.

Blame? I wouldn't "blame" anyone for such a gift.

I wouldn't blame but I would be greatful to
God and the Holy Spirit who inflames me with great joy, contentment, compassion and empathy. These are gifts, and Thanks be to God.

May you experience these gifts as well, my friend.


i gladly take responsibility for my own happiness -
and all my other feelings and emotions too!

I think I would have to blame all the events surrounding my existence. If not for them I would not be here, all happy and sh*t.

God would be the first answer to all of those, but that would be to ezy.

Happiness- Myself
Contentment- Man Kind
Compassion- F.E.M.A. Joking! lmao... The old willow tree
Empathy- My friends and family for giving me experince in situations.

I reckon that would be my wife. She tries so hard to keep on line.

I am responsible my self but empathy also played a big roll.Thank you.

The feeling of happiness come from a sense of "well" being. The experiences we face can being about many pure emotions but as we got about our lives how pure do these emotions become? Or are these a result of the interactions we go though in life mimicking the reaction we see in others? Are they pure just reinforced by our experiences?
Do I feel contentment, compassion and empathy because I truly feel them, or do I feel I need to do so?
I would like to think that pure emotions come our being so I "gladly" have no one to blame but myself. As hard as it may be recognize how I truly feel.
Only a person who is true to themself knows the difference between pure and the manufactured.


my children they have made me happier, more content, more compassionate and more caring of others.

hi i'm very grateful to Dave for all the happiness he gives me

I wouldn't necessarily blame anyone but I very grateful to my parents for bringing me into the world so I can enjoy the life I have right now..

Me sweet, lovely honey-baby!