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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why does it seem like more men are materialists?

Question:and if so - why is that?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: and if so - why is that?

My dear,It is just not semblance;it is a fact that more men are materialistic.First of all most of the societies in this world are male dominated and men are the bread winners.They are obliged to improve the things through logical,mechanical and materialistic ways.Less, or rather little time is left for the spiritual or religious sides of life.Bless you.More at

Because the wifes / girlfriends are...

Because psychologically they just are. For some reason testosterone makes you comprehend the material world much more clearly. Women are better with abstracts. It ends up manifesting itself in materialism sometimes.

It doesn't seem that way. Why would you say this?

as per your additional details- isn't that an argument for them not being materialistic?

sometimes you cannot judge all men my dear.
you might say all the men I know and it may be correct.
say you were in a tibetan monestary
or a budhist temple
it may be that way because the enviroment that you frequent.
I myself am strictyly not into material things . although I do say I am not the norm

Materialism is a pitiful way to cover up the lack of hapiness some person feels inside...

I think we can conclude this doesn't only appeal to men ;-)

because the status symbol of who has the coolest gadget is prevalent in todays society

we like shiny things.

How many women would embrace a man who has abandoned the material reality of this world ?

The society expects men to create material wealth for the society to prosper... this makes most men to cultivate and develop a practical and matter-of-fact kind of personality...... emotions and feelings are seen as irrelevant for creating wealth for the society.

Men aren't really known for emotions. Most see women as objects. What else do modern men have? Religion is torn apart, society is unraveling, love is confused, borders are becoming thinner....How can a non-emotional being relate to this? Just by securing things (material) down while they watch the crazy world fly by.

Certain men identify their egos with material possessions to attract (materialistic) women. Many men have difficulty expressing themselves verbally and worldly possessions provide a sense of security. The reason relates to fear.