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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think hunches are usually right?

Question:Hunches based on facts can be wrong. Many have made fatal errors following hunches based on a gut feeling.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hunches based on facts can be wrong. Many have made fatal errors following hunches based on a gut feeling.

yeah you should always fallow your instinct

I think so. For me at least. My hunches are rarely wrong.

hunches are my spidey senses tingling so something's up usually, but judgements I've made on people, like on first impressions, I've been dead wrong about.

If the hunch is smack in the middle of your stomach YES
When I was 9 the day before my dad died, I had an empty air feeling in my stomach that he was going to die very soon and soon enough he died. All the years prior to that I had an increasingly heavy feeling in my stomach every year that he was getting closer to his death, and with my depression, I am becoming more faint out of fear, but I can tell it means I will probrably die by my own hand in a year or two.

I have a feeling that yes they are...... though I could be wrong.

yes...usually. sometimes they can be off, but it usually just comes down to trusting the first thing that pops into your head, but seems to be true only with instincts. unlike words, which sometimes is not the best thing to say.
ya, hunches aren't the problem usually the problem is if you listen to them.

Depends on whose hunch it is.

well it depends they are usually right as they happen from ur subconsious where u still know the reality and u can rely upon them........but not always we still have a hunch on wat to follow and wat not

absolutely,instincts are our best deffense.

"Hunches" are very often psycho-epistemological, and therefore sometimes correct.

"Psycho-epistemology is the study of man's cognitive processes from the aspect of the interaction between the conscious mind and the automatic functions of the subconscious."