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Question:If we focus on sailors fighting in the dance halls, oh man look at those cave men go.

its the freakiest show, wont you look at the law man beating up the wrong guy, oh man, wonder if he'll ever know,

he's in the best selling show.

Is there life on mars?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If we focus on sailors fighting in the dance halls, oh man look at those cave men go.

its the freakiest show, wont you look at the law man beating up the wrong guy, oh man, wonder if he'll ever know,

he's in the best selling show.

Is there life on mars?

David Bowie, right?

I don't think so. But maybe sometime in the future there could possibly be life on mars.

hehhee LOL.. me too i also wonder if theres a life in other planets.. movies bothers me if alliens were true.. hahha.. well, maybe on future other people will evacuate in other planet coz earth myt be polluted and full of shits..

No.......we are unique.......our earth is precious.....let us do all we can to preserve it

I think there has to be at least some microorganism that they haven't found yet. It takes money to investigate outer space; money that "They" would rather invest in a war over oil. Maybe they'll find oil on Mars.

The possibility of some micro-organisms still living in Mars can not be completely ruled out as yet.
What is indeed mind boggling is to imagine as to what would happen if there are, and they are brought on to earth to evolve in these friendly conditions!!

If there is, I hope it has front row seats to the show you're watching. Ticket price can get mighty high.

Maybe when our sun was younger, less dense, Mars was the headline, the showcase. Maybe when our sun gets old, a little slow, then Venus will get to host the show.

I am not arrogant enough to think that my life is the only life that our life is the only life.. ... I think it is definitely possible and most assuredly probable that the universe harbours other life forces that have been adapted or have evolved to suit the conditions elsewhere.