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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you could be either God's worst enemy or nothing, which would you choose?

Question:i really hope this doesnt need any more explination

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i really hope this doesnt need any more explination

If God exists I'd want to be his worst enemy. I do not believe he is at all good or merciful so I'd be the exact opposite.

HMMMM...I think nothing. I wouldn't want the rath of God upon me...Yikes.

Nothing, God would probably make life hell. =P


I am God's worst enemy. I don't believe in God!

i would rather be this "God" character's worst enemy.
life and what comes afterwards is only what you make of it.
if you are happy with just "being", and that alone, than no one will be able to take that away from you. even if there is some all powerful, omnipresent being that rules everything, and he makes your physical embodiment endure the most horrible torture that one can survive on, then you can still have some hope and optimism left in yourself. you will be able to shut out that which can not do any everlasting damage to your existence, and just be, untouched by all.

i would rather exist and have to suffer an eternity, for the sake of existence alone, rather than not exist at all.

I would pick worst enemy.

I'm sure that God would see it as funny.

Love and blessings Don

There is no such thing as nothing, because everything is something. So, for lack of the alternative, i guess i'd ...

no. that would be a lie.

As long as it is your god, lets get down. I will leave mine alone.

By definition, the only enemies God has are the one's he's willing to have. Being all powerful, none can exist without his permission.

Nor, by definition, would God's worst enemy be able to harm him, nor anyone else that God does not want harmed.

So if I'm allowed to survive in any form, then by definition I'm being allowed to survive to fulfill his will. So, surviving as God's enemy would satisfy both God and myself. God's will would be fulfilled, and I would survive.

nothing. because without god, you ARE nothing.

First of all of you above who said something about god making life hell, God doesn't do evil, remember that. He lets the devil do it to teach lessons. God doesn't do bad, he can only do good. Anyway, I rather be his enemy because I'd have the comfort that he will protect me lol.. Think about it..

If you were his enemy he would only show compassion, for that matter.

worst enemy

as i'm something right now i have sort of a disinclination to be nothing.

Who are we to decide what god's enemies are? or even if he has any?

If I am God's worst enemy, am I not nothing already?