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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it true if you don't fear anything, you've succeeded in life?

Question:What is your philosophy on truly succeeding in life?
And not to "just be happy" because the thrill of happiness is ephemeral.
What's really holding people back from succeeding in life---what's the hardest struggle to overcome in a normal person's life.

(not including illnesses)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is your philosophy on truly succeeding in life?
And not to "just be happy" because the thrill of happiness is ephemeral.
What's really holding people back from succeeding in life---what's the hardest struggle to overcome in a normal person's life.

(not including illnesses)

There is an old saying: "There are old pilots, there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots."

Having no fear usually equates to taking unnecessary risks and results in considerably less life in which to scucceed. Fear is a good thing when it does not paralyze you.

The classic definition of success in life is achieving self actualization - becoming the person that you desire to become.

No that in my opinion is absolute rubbish. Fear and Happiness are what make life interesting if there is no fear then life would be boring, fear is what creates memory's.


Uhh. Fear is a valuable emotion. It protects us from danger. So, no it's not true that if you don't fear anything then you've succeeded in life. True success in life is taking care of yourself and having real friends.
It's easier to get money than real friends. Plus, if you have real friends and you scratch each other's backs, then it's easier to succeed financially.

My idea of succeeding would not be to fear death but not to cause my own either. I would like to know that I did something on the earth that proved my worth. Whether it be to be a family man or to save someone's life even if it cost my own.
In other words I would like to know that my life truly was worth a life.

I think the answer is you have to be driven to succeed and do whatever it takes to succeed. In your life, your going to have to face many challenges because it isn't like your not going to face them once you succeeded.

Alot of people are conditioned by the society they live in, and negative lifestyle choices, to succeed in life you need to be nice and positive, surround yourself, with good positive people, and try not to get to emotional, most of it is a waste of energy

Fear is a lack of love. When you love, you and others are happy. Fear is like darkness, which is a lack of light but not something in itself.

When we attack others we are afraid they will attack us and then we feel vulnerable. so we keep attacking them, at least in our mind or words, so they won't.

We are completely invulnerable anyway, just by being children of the most powerful.

Succeeding IS happiness. But happiness is different for everybody. A business man might be happy if he gets rich. A mother might be happy if she has a beautiful family. A teenager might be happy if he gets a girlfriend.

The thing holding people back isn't fear; you need fear, just like you need to feel pain. It's to protect your body.

The thing holding people back is that they don't know what will MAKE them happy. You know that business man? He may think he wants money, when really he wants a family. And The teenager might think he wants a girlfriend, when really he wants to have a great career.

So happiness IS the key to succeeding. It's just knowing what you need to be happy that people have a problem with.

Joy is obtained, self-actualization, when the previous and lower level of fear is resolved.
The level of fear is reached as explanation for one's anger.
Anger is a healthy choice, with apathy being the outplaying of impotent anger.

"The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,
"Sacred Psychology of Change," Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D.,
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, Ph.D.,
"Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton,
"Mindset," Carol Dweck, Ph.D.,
"Man, Master of His Destiny," O. M. Aivanhov,
"The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi,
"The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis, and
"The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock, are worthwhile.

when we operate from a position of fear, we are letting our subconscious create our lives and then life is what happens to us.

If we feel no fear and instead feel love, then we become conscious of our creating, take responsibility for it, and life is what you make of it.

To be positive is to create a nicer life.

The real test is when you go through something awful and you don't lose your cool and instead set to work to make it right as best you can, and forgive yourself for making such a situation in the first place.

The hardest struggle to get over, I think, is to stop blaming others for what happens in our lives. "You made me think this way...." etc.
If we take full responsibility for our lives, then we can set about making it much nicer.

Rough circumstances come from what we felt inside. So do good circumstances.

If we don't learn the lessons from the rough spots in life we keep reliving them in different disguises until it's resolved.

People get so full of fear they can't function.
That is the most debilitating way to be.
If we want to be our own best friend, we have to know that whatever someone "did to us" .....if they had never lived.....someone else would have played that roll for us to learn from.

I think that is why Shakespeare said "All the world's a stage and we are merely players".

I figure I'll get the blue ribbon when I'm 80 if I can still make others laugh, can still laugh myself, can be positive, and have the desire to love and to give.

It's easy to be miserable. hahahaha!

I'd say if you don't fear anything, you don't understand the situation! Life is full of dreadful dangers whizzing around us all the time.

You downplay "just being happy" as an example of succeeding in life, but in my opinion, there is no more noble goal and certainly no more useful one, so yes, be happy! What else?

I think what holds most people back in life is fear of separation. That really means fear of growing, or growing up. It doesn't stop when you pass your teenage years either. It's just as distressing when you get your first book published, say, as when you stood out there alone at the bus stop that first day. Growth stirs our pot, and by the time most of us are mid teens, we already have thrown a lot of garbage into that pot that is safely hidden on the bottom (denials, delusions, stuff like that which was too painful to deal with at the time) and when we grow, it stirs the pot and these things come back up like so many floating corpses and can turn us on our heads.

Most of us take one or two "man sized" growth hits and then say F this, and settle right down at that level and thanks but no thanks to any more growth.

"Those who abandon their dreams will try to discourage yours." The hardest thing to overcome in reaching success is others saying you can't. Don't listen.

If you don't fear anything you are not fully human, and your life may well be a short one. Success, in evolutionary terms, is passing on your genes. In human terms it is helping your children live long enough to pass on their genes, and offering wisdom to their children in turn as they grow. If you live that long, you have done well. The hardest struggle to overcome for a normal person depends on their circumstances. It will be very different for someone living in Dallas compared to someone living in Darfur. 'Success' is not the point of life - survival is.

people hold themselves back from succeeding in u have to fear some things otherwise you have nothing to lose and if you have nothing to lose then you have nothing to live for basically.

It's foolish never to fear anything. But it's equally foolish to fear everything. There are two things that you need to do with your fears:

First, make good judgments about which fears are well-justified. For example, you shouldn't be as anxious about speaking in front of a group as you should be about the effects of smoking.

Second, when you have a well-justified fear, you need to have a plan for easing, avoiding, or eliminating the threat that inspires it.

About happiness: Although feelings of joy are ephemeral, satisfaction with your own life can last a very long time.

The things that make life satisfying vary from person to person.

If you grew up dirt poor, or if your relatives told you that you would never amount to anything, or if you have a talent for making money that cries out to be exercised, the making a lot of money can indeed make you satisfied with your life.

But for most people, satisfaction with life comes from living with decent health, making enough money to have a home and a steady supply of groceries, doing a meaningful job that doesn't paralyze your mind, and most importantly, loving people who love you back.

The hardest struggle to overcome in most peoples' lives is getting over hatred and unreasonable fears. Those two things can hold you back whether your goal is money or love.


If you really don't fear anything, you have succeeded in becoming a complete fool. You should fear some things, like rattlesnakes, uncontrolled fire, drunk drivers and so on.

fear is only a small factor in succeeding,i think that the biggest issue people have that holds them back,is that people are too conformed to the way the world thinks and works.people refuse to step out of the box and live the way they want to instead of how the world thinks they should.which leads to a life of fear and regret.if you can die without any real regrets,and a sense of accomplishment,then you have lived successfully.

The thing that is holding people back is lack of purpose. Once you know where your are going you have a better chance of getting there.

fear is something we all have. it is like pain we all go through it but we must overcome our fear and break out of our comfort zones to get what we want. if we do what we have always done we will get what we always got. and a lot of people are afraid of change.

Not true.
Fear can hold you back or push you forward.

Fear of failure may hold you back when you have the opportunity to set up a company.

Fear of failure may also push you to work hard in your projects so that you can succeed.