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Position:Home>Philosophy> Where can long term inspiration be found, inside or outside?

Question:Thanks in advance for your answers. Peace and Love to you all!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Thanks in advance for your answers. Peace and Love to you all!

Well, by it's nature, IN-spiration springs from the IN-side. To be inspired is to have an INner experience that motivates you to do something you find meaningful. Often, the source of our inspiration is something external (for example, the song "Bandits" by Midlake is quite inspiring), however, the meaning that we throw upon external events is the real catalyst for inspiration.

If inspiration were found "outside," it would then be called "expiration." We all know what that means...

Great question. Take care.

Same to you! I would have to say inside. The outside can offer up spectacular examples that will inspire you, but overall, it is up to you (inside) to keep the inspiration.

Well it would have to be something consistent, wouldn't? I'm not sure where it would come from then. Outside one's self is hardly consistent (maybe the thing that externally inspired you ceases to be). One's self also is inconsistent. We vary emotionally from day to day. Our philosophies and views change. I would venture to say it's probably a combination of both inside and outside factors.

Through the eyes of children. They never seem to stop inspiring me.

Requests to God for your life purpose are always answered, immediately. Things on the outer can remind you of God if you are looking through His eyes.

I find inspiration from both inside and out. I find it in the music I play and listen too. I find it in certain people but mostly as I connect with THE SPIRIT I call the Spirit-Creator.It is through that Spirit-Creation I find inspiration through things and people. I may be part of a distance Native American Heritage.

Everything good or bad is found inside. The only meaning anything has is the meaning you give it in your mind.

Inspiration always comes from inside. Outside can act as a promoting agent. Keeping the inspiration continuously ON is based on individual capability.

inside because in the end you are responsible for your happiness not anyone else