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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are we failing our purpose?

the purpose of life is to reproduce, and with a population of 6 billion plus we're certainly not failing that, but what if we have another purpose of expanding, you see it everywhere life is present, where ever it starts it grows and expands, now as for us, we have had the technology to go into space for a while now and yet have done little about it, so as a life form are we failing in our expantion task?
your thoughts!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: LIFE!!!
the purpose of life is to reproduce, and with a population of 6 billion plus we're certainly not failing that, but what if we have another purpose of expanding, you see it everywhere life is present, where ever it starts it grows and expands, now as for us, we have had the technology to go into space for a while now and yet have done little about it, so as a life form are we failing in our expantion task?
your thoughts!

The key word here is expansion, and that particularly that of human kind. Why do we fell need to expand as a species. I think it is because we realize there is far too much space available that needs to be filled with the likes of us. We perhaps like to see us everywhere and then nothing will be a place merely in our imagination but out or our reach. One cold winter day, I went out and say a wide open space. I thought if this place was packed full with humans, would it become warm and not uninvitingly cold anymore. Perhaps we seek comfort not only in the places that we physically inhibit but also in place that are merely in our sight, and also, as I said before, part an unending world of our imagination.

The urge for expansion, therefore, is natural to us naturally. It is in our physical landscape as well as in our mind. I would call the later the mind space. And this is where our need, urge or ability to expand becomes an exciting prospect, as this is where we need no spaceship, time machine or special distortions caused by some wormhole. All we have to do is to learn to think with our heart and mind both at the same place, on the same path resolved to reach same destination.

I understand that this might seem a little too imaginary in comparison with substantial promise of development we see through methods of scientific. But science is merely an extraction of our intelligence from the physical world. Science, as we know it today, entirely depends upon the certainty of physical laws. But no such certainties of fixed physical laws are to be found, as we peer into the atom, or when we look at the mind-boggling distances across the universe. We realize that we might not be able to reach distant worlds in our eyes with the method of propulsion rockets.

Expansion, in true sense is the name for development of the mind. Whatever has been created, invented or developed so far either by method of science, philosophy or religion, has first been conceived in the mind. Then, may be, the doorway to the universe also is in the mind. All we have to do is to learn to think with our heart and mind both at the same place, on the same path resolved to reach same destination. May be purity and virtue are indeed the principles to enable us to expand both within and without, without causing anything, including ourselves, any harm as we are doing now.

I don't think so, but what the heck; I don't know much about anything and care even less about the rest as time goes on. As long as I've got the few comforts that I like and a roof over my head nothing else matters. Those are my honest thoughts for today.

The sole purpose of lifeforms is to preserve, procreate.
You assume we may have another purpose - expansion. We do expand, medically and technologically for example.
So far we haven't enough knowledge to move into space in a big way.
Neither, at present, do we have the cash. It's mega expensive, space travel.

Purpose of life is to reroduce? Well i guess many humans fail that and want to fail that with contraception and all, but taht's another arguement :P. It depends on who you are and what you believe. I think we are failing because there is still so much evil in the world. But we are succeeding by the fact that we have made so many advances in science and many other areas.

One cannot mark our lives without having an answer booklet. :)

What do you mean by "purpose of life"? How could a purpose for life come about? How could we know about that purpose? What would be wrong with not following that purpose?

We are failing our purpose if our purpose involves to expand beyond this Earth. However, I don't see why you'd believe that is our purpose. And even if it was, I don't see why it would matter.

The majority of humans are completely failing, and can never ever hope to succeed, in their task of personal and spiritual growth. They are entirely conditioned, unable to think independently, and attack anyone who does.
They can breed yes, what can't? But the purpose is gone.