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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is there to do after you've realized there is nothing, and even nothing

Question:still nothing at all.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: still nothing at all.

Are you asking what you should do after realizing that reality could all just be an illusion? That there could be nothing but from that nothing comes everything we see and sense to exist? Well, this is where faith comes in I guess. You really can't disprove this notion, so you have to deal with it. If you can not deal with it, then just hope or something, that it is not so.

lol ur funny!!

I guess that means there is nothing to do. I have everything to do but yet feel there is nothing to do even though there is everything to do. But then everything turned into nothing because everything got boring. I too, have thought of this. lol


So, obviously there was something.

Hmmm. If you define "nothing" as "Love", then nothing is everything. And if you realize that nothing else matters but love, then everything is about LOve...then what there is to "do" is to experience LOve, tune into and look for all of Love's expressions, and give love, receive love and be loving.
John Lennon had it right...All we need is love.

Find a good book, eat something you like and get on with your life. You are spending too much time spinning your wheels.

The everything that is in nothing IS everything after all. We all struggle and toil and torture ourselves when we have no understanding of this. This is why I think your question is great.

When we finally find the beginning of wisdom & understanding, that's when we realize that everything we need is right there smack dab in the middle of nothing.


You are projecting your own feelings of dissatisfaction and purposelessness on the world. The answer is not out there, but in you. If there is nothing at your core, the problem is either a deficit in imagination or ambition -- "resolution siclied o'er, with a pale cast of thought, " in Hamlet's words. Stop contemplating your navel and put your intelligence to work in something worthy of your time and effort. What you're doing is grandiose self-pity.

The maturation process of life in matter can seem still but even stillness waits on God and so just that you know though the stillness of your moment has come upon the day God is watching you , just ask Him and he will say.You are like a photograph I have paused you for a reason.

Is Nothing sacred? Why does the math of a hard vacume seem to fulfill the requirements of GUTS. Cause it does. Between electron and proton is an ocean of empty. That this is so means that the structure of the atomic world is as it was designed to be. A lot of empty. Limit of the design, the best the Deity could pull off. The true limits of the Godhead. Who cares? We didn't have to do it, barely able to think about it, and scared to death of every form of hereafter we've ever devised. Lets back off the Deity, just be happy you got this far, and hope It's as beautiful as it's creations, wears red sequins, heels, and is happy to see you. It loves to fill the bill, so expect the best. Good luck.

Go and relieve the suffering of someone not as enlightened as yourself.

Confusion is something.

Well you can do nothing and evrything. Playing life as survivle game or taking it more seriously to enter hi-scores table.

I know....all the good theams have been used up, turned into theam parks....there's nothing to do and no one to look up to...the air poluted the water, the government....Hey! Let's do the hokey pokey and turn this sh** around.

the concept of "nothing" is something in itself. so nothing is truly nothing, and what is "everything" is not definite. it is subject to the parameters of quanitification that we impose on things.

what is there to do? nothing and everything. try it.