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Question:We've all be told since birth that there is a god, an almighty being who looks over us and guides us.

I have a philosophical question about that this I would like to get others opinions on.

We all know that early man worshipped inanimate objects as explainations to what they didn't understand. We still see this in many removed cultures in the world. They worship the Volcano God, the god of harvest, you name it.

My thinking is this. Since early man was not good at explaining what they didn't understand, how could they conceive of anything other than what they were told? Adam and Eve were the first man and woman, and they knew God, we are told.

But the belief in one God is historically a rather new occurance. Even the old Jews all had their own tribal gods, and it wasn't until they learned writing from the ancient Babylonians that they were finally able to evolve into having just one.

What is your opinion on this line of historican portayal and philosophy?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We've all be told since birth that there is a god, an almighty being who looks over us and guides us.

I have a philosophical question about that this I would like to get others opinions on.

We all know that early man worshipped inanimate objects as explainations to what they didn't understand. We still see this in many removed cultures in the world. They worship the Volcano God, the god of harvest, you name it.

My thinking is this. Since early man was not good at explaining what they didn't understand, how could they conceive of anything other than what they were told? Adam and Eve were the first man and woman, and they knew God, we are told.

But the belief in one God is historically a rather new occurance. Even the old Jews all had their own tribal gods, and it wasn't until they learned writing from the ancient Babylonians that they were finally able to evolve into having just one.

What is your opinion on this line of historican portayal and philosophy?

This question must revolve around what does god mean to you. Does a god have to be all powerful, all knowing and all good? Does a god have to someone watching over you? Does a god just needs to be appeased with gifts and prayers? How about a chaotic god or one that cannot be comprehended?

The more attributes the god needs to be e.g good, powerful and knowing, then the less likely such a god exists. If you find that your god is something that only asks for your prayer and can help you understand life then I think such a god is worthy of worship and seems to be more real.

I find people attribute silly characteristics to their god as if their understanding of god can do anything and everything. A god must mean something to different people and not all view god the same. Each society is different and they all have different interpretations of god. If one tries to enforce their understand of god onto another society then we have conflict.

To me a god is a force of nature and I am part of it. My understanding of this god seems to be an experiment in a learning process where I live to experience, feel and try to understand. If I do not understand then that is fine, I can just experience and feel.

Such a god worthy of worship. Be it a god that shows me the knowledge of words, the beauty of sight and helps me raise ideas. Then this is a god for me. Rather than a god that has so many attributes that they begin to conflict with each other.

How can a god be all knowing and let evil exist? How can a god be all good and let evil exist? Would you worship a god that allows this? if such a god is all powerful then should it not stop evil or protect you from harm?

Who would worship a god that they cannot not experience at some level in their lives? What is this I hear someone say? free will? Well how about some responsibility as well? We are either part of god or we are not.

If you want to experience the idea of a god, then avoid the masses and think what god or a god you.

yes there is a one God and only one,
without going through philosophy, if you are really searching for the answer, the answer will find you.

The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause and God do not exist

ok, heres the thing. the story of Adam and eve isnt meant to be taken literally. It depends what you want to believe. But if your christian, your only supposed to believe in one god

God is spirit, we have the soul. God speaks to the soul and the mind is guided to an understanding of God, but because we are flesh and not fully spirit we tend to create forms to hold us to earth until our soul has been called back from where God is.

I've never been told there's a god. My teacher used to read from the bible in my first school years and it was like any other story book as I recall. When I grew up I learned of many peoples different beliefs in gods. There was gods all over the place according to them. And then I read about how people had worshipped even more gods in the past and they were also in the thousands, but now more or less forgotten.

Adam and Eve is christianity. At least now I know what god you're refering to.

That one god is three forms though. Not the same and still somehow it is.

For me religion is the same as any other visualisation of the abstract part of the mind. We can quickly imagine what could be in the darkness if we just don't see enough.

So, my thoughts - how can anyone be certain that their religion and god is the right one, when there's many other co-existing religions at the same time and so many gods forgotten and abandoned in the past. Today we may point and laugh at anyone believing in an old volcano god, or Thor or whatnot, but what it all boils down to - when will people laugh at christianity or judism? It's just a question of time after all.

This is such a simple question, but as your preamble pointed out, the "god of the gaps' was an early "god" who filled in the missing data that we didn't or couldn't understand.
Simple question but no easy answer other than from a believer who simply asserts that his god "is." ie exists.
The curious thing about the god question is that it says a lot about the prevailing cultural mind-set of theists as they grapple with the question.

Having said all that my answer is yes there is.
And for me it is as plain as light touching my eyes.
But this is not a "god" of any religious system I know of
since I know it by direct empirical vision.
I know what I am saying breaks all the norms of what is allowed in philosophical discourse.
My evidence is myself since I am someone who was dead
and is now alive again. I remember who I was in the past before I was reborn into this world, as my present self.
No need to accept any of this. I know how unbelievable this claim is. But yes I am making it.
You are not compelled to believe me. You may dismiss this as sheer utter nonsense, and I would not hold it against you.

The guy with the biggest guns is god.

I personally believe that there is a God,but it pretty much depends on what you believe or allow your self to believe in. There is no physical evidence to prove that God is real, but then agian there is no real evidence that God is just made up.

to answer your first question: yes, there is a god.

to answer your last line, our forefathers seem as though they may have jumped the gun and created the belief of god or gods as a the only explanation they find for things they do not understand.

but think of this: after millions of years and science moving at breakneck speed, we keep discovering new things, and keep running into things we have never even come close to understanding. the exploration will never end. the end of which is god.

as man continuously tries to study everything he finds, it is not very different from one of us regular people dismantling a car and figuring out what produces torque, and which parts do what, and so on. but the car is really huge, and somewhere along the way, we will ask ourselves where the car shop that it came from is, and who the mechanic who built it is.

who do you think we will find?

i hope my analogy make sense to you...

You will see there are a lot of different opinions on this question.
Some people think they know the answer, they say they read it in a book or elsewhere.
The question remains a question. There are arguments in favor of the existence of a god and arguments against.
Karen armstrong wrote books about the history of gods. Try an internet search on her name

I have a simple and clear answer:
People who believe in god have been brainwashed from their childhood, or they saw so much misery in their lives that they have lost faith in humanity...

I can tell you for certain: yes, there is a God.

I am living proof that He lives. He saved my life five times -- and this was prior to my understanding of who He was/is. He is long suffering toward us all.

I used to be an agnostic drug addict. Today, through His grace and great patience with me, I am now a loving and caring person who, though imperfect, is living clean and sober and still developing that relationship with Him step by step.

Belief in one God is not new, but the OLDEST method of relationship with God the father. Adam and Eve walked and talked with God while in the garden of Eden. Every other form of "religion" is rebellion and stems from the original sin/the Fall.

Have you ever asked yourself why people reject God? It's because they believe one lie or another about Him. In other words, they don't know him; to know God is to love Him. There are no two ways about it.

Side note: even if you choose not to believe that there was a first man named 'Adam' and a first woman named 'Eve', we all know there had to be a first man and a first woman. ; )

If you want there to be a God than there is one.

Yes , there is a God. The paths are many but the truth is one.

I believe that most people believe in a god of some sort. I think it is the definition of 'God' that many people have a problem with. I am agnostic but I believe there is more to the universe than what we can observe scientifically. This I suppose, implies a belief in the existence of some sort of 'otherness'.

Most probably there is. He's the one who controls the Universe, and knows what is outside of it. But he has no effect on our lives on this planet, because, if he did he would have to be blamed for all the traumatic and painful experiences that we have to suffer from day to day.
The God that you good Christians believe in, who, according to you, is supposed to be a PERFECT, omnipotent, all loving and protecting entity, is most definitely NOT doing his job properly. There is no God on this Earth who looks out for us, only, possibly, the spirits of our dead ancestors.

First of all you are the living proof of God when you seek to know God, you can find him in your heart and try to see how you are created, your hands are intelligently designed to assist you to work and eat, telling you that you have to work to eat, your legs designed to let you move around, your teeth perfectly set to eat and the digestion systems, the reproduction systems and how we communicate with our negative sexes to reproduce, the art of attraction code set in us, the details are countless, we are engineered by a super being we are denying to call God and everyone knows that we are not designed by the NASA, try to see how the world functions and try to see if there was no sin and greed, how the world would have been beautiful and then you can figure out that why God has veiled Himself from us, because that kind of clean and super-being is too neat and too good and tooooo much Holy to be on this rebellious world, we should thank Him at-least for hearing our prayers and yes Adam and Eve believed in God and their generations too but in one gap of history and due to population, people started believing their own gods of choice out of ignorance, the Jews were reminded of beliefs their ancient beliefs not thought, Abraham never learned that the real one God existed but his instinct told him that there is the real ONE and sought Him and found Him, due to natural disasters that may have killed some generations or for any other reason there was a gap between God and Humans even though He was protecting everyone from above. Even in our times, we are not as religious as our fathers used to be, we are divided in denominations and that is leading us to secularism and its simple to guess what those small populations in the ancient and innocence times have gone through, the good thing is at-least the majority has come to one point of believing in Jesus, the human form of God, the Son of God and One Person of the Trinity.
God Bless

The Egyptian pharoah Ikhnaton was the first monotheist. His god was ton. Moses was probably influenced by Ikhnaton, but Moses was not ready to deny the existence of other gods besides his Yahewh. he was a henothesit as his first commandment indicates. The hebrews had elohim, until moses convinced them to worship his new god.

No on actually knows is there is a "god" but personally I think that there is because whenever my life is really sucky I look up to him and pray, then suddenly everything gets beter... and another time I won $100 on a scratch ticket because before I started scratching it a prayed... but once again this is me personally plz do NOT think I am trying to push any of you to belive in something I belive in, that is your desision ^_^ gl with other answers!