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Position:Home>Philosophy> Zeitgeist why are so many blind to the world around them and the choices they ma


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lol dude ur one of us

see others do not understand because they are not educated people do not educate them selves not because the government doenst let me but cause they ahve been thought not to from their parents and their parents parents and so on but the root of all is because our system of education is for control so if our educational system implemented the truth into its core then no one would be a subject and there would be no richpeople and all of us would see the zeitgest of all things lol but hey it takes one to wake another right so keep on doing what your doing and do not be agresive about it just show them the light if they dont want it go to the next one :P

People are blind because they believe in all the manipulation that's been bombarding them for thousands of years.
Just about every area of life is not what it seems.
Religion, philosophy, politics....our own creation....and we get lulled into a sleep and find a good story to live inside and that's it.
As long as us hamsters keep the wheel turning, that is all those who manipulate us want.
Likely at this point it's good that not everyone is waking up at once. But humanity is awakening and realizing that we were sold a bill of goods.
When we are ready for a truth we discover it.
We are a lot more powerful than we realize. Time to validate ourselves and each other and learn to live in peace instead of sending our best and brightest to die for an unending war that was created to make money for the manipulators.
We must do the investigating and not take anyone's word for anything at this point in time.
Inform ourselves. Become aware. Wake up.

Don't lose heart. But be positive. That is what it will take to turn the tides of life here on earth.

It's all down to balance. At the moment there are way too many negatives and if we live in fear, we feed it. In spite of anything we have to spread a feeling of good will and harmony.
It's a tall order but we can do it.

Good question! Why do so many just blindly believe the Zeitgeist crap without questuon?

The answer is: People who are pre-disposed to the opinions of Zeitgeist will believe it without questioning it,

Part 1 is a silly mixture of alleged facts, fiction and astrology intended to directly challenge to the foundations of Christianity to the point of being anti-Christian.

If you're a Christian, you'll hate it and find it threatening.

If you are anti-Christian, you may enjoy it.

Part 2 is a collection of 9/11 government conspiracy allegations.

If you believe that sort of thing, you'll feel validated.

If you're looking for something objective and adding insight, you won't find it here.

Part 3 is a collection of anti-Fed conspiracy theory rhetoric.

If you revel in that sort of thing, you'll love it.

If you are learned person in economics or history, you'll be appalled at the lack of regard for factual information.

In summary:

If you like one-sided diatribes on the above topics with little regard for facts, you might enjoy it.

If you're looking for any scholarly insights, you won't find it here.

Here is a web site (under construction) that is collecting rebuttals to the movie: